Imagine being able to have all turrets having slightly larger range and fire rate when on own grid, including for build turrets, and including for units on own grid.
Grid pylons would be need to have their range halved and size smaller and more expensive so like scylla raids on them would make sense, and spamming them to extend porc would be tedious.
Pylons would transport and store small ammount of OOMPH, Each energy maker charges local oomph stations like shields charge each other. And each home turf advantage drans oomph from pylon or other energy maker. so a lot of pylons would be needed near porc to have proper oomph boost to units and sturctures.
Imagine being albe to stockpile faster when on grid, like scylla stockpile.
(merlin and dante dgun would be cool if stockpileable)
Anyway, so like with log or exp curve when connected to a grid the turrets and units gain more power, tho USE ENERGY when using upgraded capability...
The mechanics for it would be similiar to future wars cerbe equiv that gains range with eco boost