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Game crashes when i build metal ext.

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12 years ago
Graphics card: Ati Radeon Mobility 3200 HD

When im in game and only with zero-k mod i go to build a metal extrator and it crashes the game.

I have downloaded the update for my graphics card and it still didn't work.

Crash Report:
[f=0000000] Error: Spring 91.0 has crashed.
[f=0000000] Error: DLL information:
[f=0000000] Error: 0x00400000 spring
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77e20000 ntdll
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75870000 kernel32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x756a0000 KERNELBASE
[f=0000000] Error: 0x10000000 DevIL
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73e90000 MSVCP80
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73df0000 MSVCR80
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76f20000 msvcrt
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75ac0000 USER32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77060000 GDI32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76a60000 LPK
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76e80000 USP10
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75990000 ADVAPI32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x773f0000 sechost
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75d20000 RPCRT4
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75500000 SspiCli
[f=0000000] Error: 0x754f0000 CRYPTBASE
[f=0000000] Error: 0x64080000 GLU32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x61de0000 OPENGL32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x66140000 DDRAW
[f=0000000] Error: 0x72cd0000 DCIMAN32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77250000 SETUPAPI
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77410000 CFGMGR32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x755b0000 OLEAUT32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x770f0000 ole32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76e60000 DEVOBJ
[f=0000000] Error: 0x716a0000 dwmapi
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77440000 IMAGEHLP
[f=0000000] Error: 0x6fbc0000 mingwm10
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75e10000 SHELL32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77500000 SHLWAPI
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76d50000 WS2_32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75ce0000 NSI
[f=0000000] Error: 0x62e80000 zlib1
[f=0000000] Error: 0x6b600000 OpenAL32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73c20000 WINMM
[f=0000000] Error: 0x70780000 vorbisfile
[f=0000000] Error: 0x68140000 ogg
[f=0000000] Error: 0x64cc0000 vorbis
[f=0000000] Error: 0x66fc0000 freetype6
[f=0000000] Error: 0x62aa0000 glew32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x00330000 SDL
[f=0000000] Error: 0x7c340000 MSVCR71
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75810000 IMM32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76d90000 MSCTF
[f=0000000] Error: 0x6e430000 dsound
[f=0000000] Error: 0x729d0000 POWRPROF
[f=0000000] Error: 0x77470000 CLBCatQ
[f=0000000] Error: 0x74320000 MMDevApi
[f=0000000] Error: 0x74220000 PROPSYS
[f=0000000] Error: 0x731e0000 wdmaud
[f=0000000] Error: 0x730a0000 ksuser
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73090000 AVRT
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73380000 AUDIOSES
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73010000 msacm32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x72ff0000 MSACM32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x72fe0000 midimap
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73740000 profapi
[f=0000000] Error: 0x74500000 tv_w32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x6c240000 CRTDLL
[f=0000000] Error: 0x6f410000 COMCTL32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x69030000 atioglxx
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73dd0000 VERSION
[f=0000000] Error: 0x01630000 atiadlxy
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75cf0000 WINTRUST
[f=0000000] Error: 0x76a70000 CRYPT32
[f=0000000] Error: 0x75a30000 MSASN1
[f=0000000] Error: 0x640b0000 DINPUT
[f=0000000] Error: 0x74360000 HID
[f=0000000] Error: 0x73030000 mswsock
[f=0000000] Error: 0x741d0000 wship6
[f=0000000] Error: 0x72f30000 wshtcpip
[f=0000000] Error: 0x61550000 dbghelp
[f=0000000] Error: Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
[f=0000000] Error: Exception Address: 0x1161dde1
[f=0000000] Error: Stacktrace:
[f=0000000] Error: This stack trace indicates a problem with your graphic card driver. Please try upgrading or downgrading it. Specifically recommended is the latest driver, and one that is as old as your graphic card. Make sure to use a driver removal utility, before installing other drivers.
[f=0000000] Error: (0) Unknown [0x1161DDE1]
[f=0000000] Error: (1) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(atiPPHSN+0x658b4) [0x6915C604]
[f=0000000] Error: (2) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(DrvPresentBuffers+0x7b662) [0x690EA182]
[f=0000000] Error: (3) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(atiPPHSN+0x32766) [0x691294B6]
[f=0000000] Error: (4) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(atiPS+0x13ee05) [0x6982F8C5]
[f=0000000] Error: (5) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(atiPS+0x13f77c) [0x6983023C]
[f=0000000] Error: (6) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(DrvPresentBuffers+0x6a223) [0x690D8D43]
[f=0000000] Error: (7) C:\Windows\system32\atioglxx.dll(DrvPresentBuffers+0x6986e) [0x690D838E]
[f=0000000] [CCollisionHandler] dis-/continuous tests: 0/704
[f=0000000] Path cache hits 0 0%
[f=0000000] Path cache hits 0 0%
[f=0000000] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 0%
[f=0000000] Statistics for RectangleOptimizer: 0%
[f=0000000] Statistics for UDP connection:
Received: 3821 bytes in 318 packets (12.0157 bytes/package)
Sent: 1143 bytes in 170 packets (6.72353 bytes/package)
Relative protocol overhead: 0 up, 0.499346 down
1 incoming chunks had been dropped, 0 outgoing chunks had to be resent

Error: Spring: Unhandled exception Spring has crashed:
Access violation.

A stacktrace has been written to:
C:\Users\Dane\Documents\My Games\Spring\infolog.txt
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Graphics specs?

This looks lups related so the easiest thing to do is to try minimal settings.
+0 / -0