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Post quality

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The forum has been pretty incoherent lately, and perhaps this is something we should push back against. This is mostly due to USrankdohieu19 and PLrankrookstoo. We are going to start locking/asyluming threads with excessively incoherent OPs. Maybe warning or deleting incoherent posts too. Even if they could be construed as "jokes". It would be good to have people expect something of some value when they open up a new thread.

For example take https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/35920

This thread looks like it wants to be about some renders that PLrankrookstoo made (which is fine), with a joke thrown in about how cheap his computer is. But it actually ends up being a wall of unpunctuated nonsense which few people will dig through to get to the actual point. The joke is even the title of the thread.

unknownrankShaman sums up some ways to write here: https://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/255366#255366

USrankdohieu19 here are two ways to improve your posts:
  • Think about why you need to make the thread, and write the reason in the OP.
  • Don't spam a bunch of (seemingly) disconnected images and video links.
+14 / -2

2 years ago
Maybe lock before we get the next christmas-drama-thread? We don`t need to repeat last year :)
+1 / -1
in the spirit of bad translation i used a program to translate the COC 100 times https://www.ravbug.com/hypertranslate/

the original:
the result: 100 times
the result of the result: 200 times
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Amazing that even an AI, after 200 languages still seems to get at least the idea of "Be patient with new players and help them as much as you can.". I propose we invite Google Translate to play in team games!
+2 / -0
2 years ago
its just 100 and wut
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I wonder if "be patient with new players and help as much as you can" is a particularly widespread and often-repeated concept across the languages of the internet. Our AI overlords will learn at least that much about us.
+2 / -0
and this is how communities die...

local mall in warsaw used this strongarm "clean content" approach to their shops. throwing out antique shops, cutting leases to 2 art galleries. now noone invests in their stuff, they have like almost half of slots boarded up, they started own "community space" and now have to invite trash shops such as vape shops to fill their slots... youre heading that way yo.

btw. my post was that way on purpose, since my setup is a total kludge that im proud of. and one person understood it in half day it was visible, untill you chose to cut it for "hate speach" or whatever is the goto word to cut somoene. noone said a bad word, except you and your imaginary threats it possesed to your community... people liked it. and its educational to show others that it can be done on tiny budget to have a gaming pc, so others can play zk. but you only see what your eyes want to see... your frozen, when your heart's not open....


But it actually ends up being a wall of unpunctuated nonsense which few people will dig through to get to the actual point.

furthermore my post is fully punctuated. and from the getgo it has humoristic tone that its a distionary entry on how ghetto my pc setup really is. the hate blinds you... dont really have clue what your beef is exactly. the post is punctuated. the people like it. only one who has problem with it is you... two people like it over span of like 70-90 views it got before binning it, so lets be factual if were gonna discuss it...

there is -1 button if you dont like it... simple as that.

i think everyone likes a story of underdog pc build as a story of underdog racing car build... so yea.
that sticker from that trashcan bmw is relevant to my pc as well...
+0 / -0
so wanted me delete post i have on my page tho it was allowed it not about joke or anything like that

just feel like posting something help me get better at the game
+0 / -0

2 years ago
I should be doing something else with my time, but anyway I want to contribute this translation from Norwegian, through Vietnamese and to English. Not bad, not bad! I wonder if Google did anything to cheat, or if A->B is really independent of B->C.

"Slik jeg oppfatter det, er målet med denne klassifikasjonen todelt: Det første momentet er at spillere skal få et mer bevisst forhold til sin identitet som spiller, og det andre momentet er at spillere skal kunne bli mer bevisst på hvorfor de liker noen typer spill og ikke andre."

"Theo tôi hiểu, mục đích của phân loại này có hai mặt: Yếu tố đầu tiên là người chơi nên có mối quan hệ có ý thức hơn với danh tính của họ với tư cách là người chơi và yếu tố thứ hai là người chơi có thể nhận thức rõ hơn về lý do tại sao họ thích một số loại trò chơi và không phải những loại khác."

"As I understand it, the purpose of this classification is twofold: The first factor is that the player should have a more conscious relationship to their identity as a player and the second factor is that the player has may be more aware of why they like certain types of games and not others."
+2 / -0
interesting theory..
ok lets convert: "be patient with new players and help as much as you can"

into: allot of things... warning.. wall of text
[Spoiler]400 times...


New players should be patient and help as much as possible.

it seems your right.. somehow its a super stable well understood concept worldwide..
nice catch skuggmodzer0 and malric
if im ever lost in a far away country and i dont know the customs.. ill be patient and super helpful
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I did not write that post to sum up "ways everyone should write" for the record. I was trying to help USrankdohieu19 learn some proper English. Our friend here struggles with English and I see it as a duty to try to onboard them much like someone should onboard new players into the game.

We take English knowledge for granted. I don't think gatekeeping people out of posting because their English is a bit broken is a good idea. While I do agree some of the unrelated pictures/videos are a bit excessive at times (as I do browse the forum on my phone at times) I don't think it warrants too much of a response. I think spoilering unrelated videos or information would be a middle ground to enforcing on topic stuff.

+3 / -0
yes do struggles with English but take time get better tho / trying get better with English but struggles with it
+1 / -0

I would propose to move that stuff to "off-topic". I don`t think your example of rooks post is incoherent, but I agree that the number of threads that are not game-related has increased and that that could be sorted better.


GoogleFrog did not say that he "hates" you, noone said you are forbidden to make posts. Noone said those threads are a danger to the community. Don't project your personality onto other people, if that is what you are doing.

your frozen, when your heart's not open....

And you? You seem to have a very clear-cut opinion of things and other people. Either something is clearly good or bad. Usually people have other motivations than hate. Open your heart to the needs of the people around you. For example, have you ever asked how you could be of help to someone? Or what AUrankAdminGoogleFrog actually finds problematic about your posts, given that you think they are ok? MAYBE it is a misunderstanding, MAYBE it is something that you did not think of. I don`t know. How could I? I cannot read neither yours nor GoogleFrogs thoughts...

untill [sic!] you chose to cut it for "hate speach" or whatever is the goto word to cut somoene.

"incoherent" is the word I suppose.

people liked it.

127 views while typing this, 2 up-votes... Hardly enough feedback to say if people liked or disliked it.

only one who has problem with it is you.

And me. I would prefer not having to sort out which threads are about the game and which are off-topic first when I visit the forum.

+1 / -1

my post is coherent, but distributed. it deals with like 3 technoglogies not used together that i used together. all well described for someone who knows what a kvm or samba is... im not responsible for your lack of will or experience to understand it. my job description is not spoon feeding it into you.

im vegan and i know how to handle animals, i also helped ex with pediatric hospice, and did some time in advertising, and i read the body language and tone of speech besides its content.

im not saying that hes motivated by hate, but that he hates my post for some reason, other than puncutation.

the thing is that its larger than this, its something i talked with admins like 4 years ago, that community is stagnating and fork is coming. and fork kinda came in form of future wars.

and my post is totaly on topic of game, since im polishing this thing of mine towrards ZK FW touney since on gpu level i can get steady 50fps, sometimes 150fps on low unit games, on my 5gb ddr2 machine, tho there are times when cache hits significantly lowering it to 2 fps..
+1 / -0
rooks you've been whinging about "oh THIS is the tyrannical moderation decision that will kill your community" for at least the last three years and it keeps not happening, find some new material
+0 / -1
the thing is that its larger than this


that community is stagnating and fork is coming. and fork kinda came in form of future wars.

So, you think a more lenient forum-moderation will invite more people and prevent forks? (And if so, are you sure the people that feel drawn to a non-moderated forum are actually good for our community?)

Also, sorry, I could not resist:

+1 / -1

2 years ago
PLrankrookstoo when I look at your posts they look unpunctuated. But when I look closer it does have periods and commas. So the lack of capitalisation must be doing a lot to make it look like a big wall of text rather than distinct sentences. We don't hate your posts, we just can't be bothered deciphering them, and it occurred to me that there may be real costs to the forum for that kind of thread being spammed.

DErankkatastrophe I use the recent posts section on the home page. I couldn't name the forum categories from memory. All I know is that off topic is listed as part of the main forum.
+1 / -1
We don't hate your posts, we just can't be bothered deciphering them

In my mind this applies equally to "posts filled with video links" as it does to "posts filled with difficult to decipher words".

When you make a post (especially the original post of a thread), quite a few people are going to at least look at it. If it is going to take them longer to read the post, watch the videos, decipher the nonsense, etc. than it took you to write it, then you have probably failed at communication.

At best you are asking everybody else to take it on faith that what you have to say is interesting enough to be worth deciphering. I for one do not have that kind of faith in many people who make cryptic posts.
+2 / -0
imho the best example of a dead community is spring ba.. and yes i know its still played and enjoyed but it was once impossible to ever find a not full game because it was a frenzy of activity

the main reasons it died were in my opinion these things:

split.. between different versions and or mods
trolling.. including admin abuse
change.. changes people did not like as they grew attached to the original
natural.. bordom

the one that killed it was the one that most affected new players..

so i think it was trolling

kicking new players and yelling at them for making multiple labs (factories)

but zero-k has a super well behaved community.. very welcoming and tollerent
so for the most part its a great game for new players with no end in sight
+0 / -0
+0 / -0
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