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No one now not manipulate rating values. Why we need remove FFA elo?

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2 years ago
No one now not manipulate rating values. Why we need remove FFA elo? is it actual now?
+1 / -0

Were you deliberately playing badly in those games with us to drop your elo?
e.g. https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1555764

I certainly don't personally manipulate rating values and don't know of anyone who does and still plays.
+0 / -3
2 years ago
and in this list of games was some when i won vs u(like https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1555786), so no i didnt "deliberately playing badly in those games with u"
today admin remove all ffa games again from rating system. So im talking about this.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Hi, can I increase my elo by just playing coop games vs AI?
+1 / -0

2 years ago
no, only PvP
+0 / -0
2 years ago
I had a quick look at the replay provided (10x speed) and I do not think hedkeaf played intentionally badly. He played decently, his team died to your superb raiding with scorchers. At the second half of the replay, the game was already decided and there wasn't much hedkeaf could have done.
Also, I think FFA matches were removed from the casual rating a loong time ago...
+0 / -0

2 years ago
FFA games not counting towards rating is not hard-coded into the server, and sometimes the no-elo flag falls off the autohost, so some FFA games do end up counting towards rating temporarily. The work-around fix for this is to remove historical FFA games from casual rating periodically, which takes effect on a server update or restart (an update occurred recently).
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Im talking not about autohost server - all games with type "FFA" removed from casual rating. Half year ago it needed for stop manipulating elo from some players. Now nobody do it, so why all ffa games should be removed?
+0 / -0

I now understand.

I read this: "No one now not manipulate rating values."
To mean that EVERYONE is manipulating rating values!

It's only in @hedkeaf's last post that I now get what he was talking about.

I also got mislead by hedkeaf's extremely low metal usage graph in the linked game, only when looking at the replay can I see why that happened. (@hedkeaf: you need storage to be able to receive other player's excess energy, which you need to build your own stuff, if your com dies in a teams game you should immediately build storage)

Sorry hedkeaf, misunderstanding.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
The standing policy that FFA games do not and will not affect rating (at least in the long term) seemed to be required to eliminate rating manipulation. Why should we believe that if that policy is removed, rating manipulation will not return?
+0 / -0