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Anti-grav claymore barrels

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Turns out claymores can shoot up walls of infinite height so long as it's aiming for something behind the wall. Not that I'm complaining, I think this is wonderful. Just, lol. Too lazy to make a video of it, so here are some screenshots.

Clear example:

The barrel going up 650 elmos, then back down:
+2 / -0
It's because I played too much Liero. I don't remember a specific weapon that tracks the ground, it just feels like the type of thing that would have existed.
+2 / -0
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envirobear 2000 > liero
Spoilered - Moderation
+0 / -8
2 years ago
It's because I played too much Liero.

Holy shit, my brother and I used to play this game when we were kids, but I could never find it years later. Just kind of resigned to thinking it was worms 1 or something. Thanks for the nostalgia bomb.
+0 / -0
has the claymore projectil barrel no TTL like AA missles?
+0 / -0
don't remember a specific weapon that tracks the ground, it just feels like the type of thing that would have existed.

... in noita, which is quite liero inspired tbf.

On topic, i think claymore projectile tracks ground in 2d space, and as such accelerates crazy when shooting up. It probably should have a 3d speed limit, which would also give it an implicit vertical range limit.

Gunships used to do this too, so maybe it's copy-able.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
It's entirely lua, so moving at a fixed 3D speed is possible.
+1 / -0
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its lack of fresh ideas in spring. and bastardising cool old ones such as non physics based projectiles so air thicknes that regulate laser lenght or gravity that regulate parabolic projectilies dont get applied. lack of cool ideas such as spherical maps for example that guys from planetary annihilation

even simple Y wrap around W-E maps would be cool.
this place is dying like liero or teeworlds, despite being cool product the admins run it to the ground
your heavy handeness in terms of normal speech trying to turn people into cows for your use only brings tarkin effect into action,

the tighter the grip, the more stuff will go around your fingers...

btw, my post btw had on topic discussion of nostalgia games, and rl future tech that this game also has. and goverments are making laws against this authoritarian bullshit against freedom of speech on internet forums.


dont be surprised if someone will go with this to rl courts should it persist. i have better things to do than this, esp the mentioned aviation corpo, but even on current legislation in poland we have Art. 191. KK RP, and Art. 207. KK RP, that state:

Article 191 : Forcing to a certain behavior, omission or endure
Journal of Laws 2022.0.1138 i.e. - Act of June 6, 1997 - Penal Code

foreign nationals can be put on trial in poland for stuff done against fooreign citizens if laws match, or even extradited, and im pretty sure prison colonies as australia or canadistan have enough of bullshit tight grip laws to have a field day at court. you dont know what i did in life, im happy being vegan now, christian, other cheek and such, dont make me go back from my "retirement", because such things shall be handled and done. on top of that some admins are polish nationals, so those laws apply directly.

just saying that you are not operating in legal vacuum, you are subject to those laws. i will just leave it here as is so you will know next time should you choose to transgress those laws what might entail. so we hope to have understanding on certain issues if you will try to persist. and that time, actions done with prior knowledge of the laws presented carry extra penalties.

Article 9 : The subjective side of the act - intentional and unintentional
Journal of Laws 2022.0.1138 i.e. - Act of June 6, 1997 - Penal Code

lets just dont go there man. i dont need that win and you will not know what goes around there. i know and you will lose if this thing will get going should i be bothered with it to go thorugh with it.


i will just leave it here, so you know and wont be surprised should you get summons one day.
+0 / -14

2 years ago
Yes, I love using claymores vs things on the other side of a wall.

Maybe the barrels just have really good grip and have a motor inside, though it seems like you'd have no way to prevent the motor from just spinning itself (I suppose in the case of a unicycle, that is achieved by leaning).

Apropos, claymore's projectile can't pass from land into water or vice versa. I know it has to do with claymore technically having 2 weapons, one land-only and one water-only, but is the behavior intended or was there just no alternative? (I have a feeling I might have already asked this once lol, sorry for forgetting the answer in that case)

It's is a pretty severe downside in places such as the center of Tangerine.
+3 / -0
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
oh no. so many downvotes... much woe. wow

every agressor wants a piece of someones honey, and wants bee to stop resisting and doesnt want to get a sting. but if you keep pushing for honey against will of bee there will be sting. only way to not get the sting is to not go agaisnt will of the bee as if you have some deathwish.. and expecting a bee will act as extention of your delusional thought proceses.
+0 / -8
Lest we forget, PLrankrookstoo is here to play a game and talk to a community which have been built through thousands of hours of effort done by other people.

And yes, the patience of the bees is very close to running out.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
rookstoo, please find a different outlet to vent your frustration instead of derailing peoples' threads. Really uncool.
+0 / -0

10 months ago
I really dislike how cheesy dug in claymores are.
The feature itself might be cool to shoot at things directly opposite of a wall (probably using manual fire as there would be no radar vision), but practically this thing is absolutely stupid as a defensive measure. There is no simple counter to this mechanic when it is cheesed.

Setting up: dig in a claymore, observe how nothing can approach it and laugh.

Counter: Plop down tank factory and start making a tremor, then move it into firing range and then spray the general area for a minute or two, hoping to pop the claymore like a dirty pore on your skin.

Yes, I know this cheese can be used by everyone, but I simply refuse to think that this was an intended game mechanic when this unit was designed.

The "barrels" should absolutely not traverse upward (if at all) as fast as they traverse downward.
+1 / -0

10 months ago
just throw into the hole some dirtbags. problem solved.
+3 / -0
10 months ago
When i think of Landmines i think of something that goes "boom", since Badgers disappoint a lot in that department we have to make do with what we got.
+1 / -0

10 months ago
to: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/265946#265946

Fair, yet that still requires investment of 800 metal + dirtbags + APM just to counter something that ABSOLUTELY requires micro. Zero-K core design is to try and steer away as much as possible from sweatlordy RTS types and more into strategy. These gravity defying barrels go completely against strategy and into area of tabbing through your 20 templars to cast thunderstorm so you can win your sweatlord championship by deleting 30 starships that have been condensed to a single pixel by an equally obnoxious RTS sweatlord on the other side.

I think I have made myself clear enough where these cheese claymores are coming from.
The setup is miniscule in cost vs what you get in return - an impossible thing to counter unless you go out of your way to stop playing zeroK and start playing some asscancer.
+1 / -0
10 months ago
this is not the only cheesy thing in here.
also cheesy: spamming firewalkers, placeholders, blastwings or dirtbags. maybe also cheesy is setting crab onto big hill on very narrow map.
+0 / -0
Yeah, after playing with anti-grav claymore for a bit, it's really not that good. Take out its vision and it becomes immediately useless. Its range is meh. The only time it's ever been a problem for the enemy is when they try to interact with it, which usually doesn't go well since there are about a bajillion other ways to deal with it -- like walking around it.

But -- it's pretty fun :)
+2 / -0
10 months ago
Some strangeness with claymore that makes it awkward to use is its inability to apparently shoot between water and land properly sometimes. Kind of a weird bug to have for a unit that interfaces between water and land frequently.

still fun tho
+0 / -0

10 months ago
Not shooting between land and water cleanly is an issue I'd like resolved.
+0 / -0