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Ban 2023 (the player)

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Can we please ban 2023 the player already. He always comes into games, goes afk, then sometimes comes back if his team is winning. He's done this for multiple days, multiple people have reported him. He's doing it right this moment in a team game as I write this.

He doesn't even have connection issues, his ping indicator is green. If you do have connection issues, just spectate and don't ruin the game for others.

+4 / -0
17 months ago
as a victim of this, I support this motion.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
I've seen him grow quite a lot as a player which is nice to see.

I don't understand why he does this either. I have not seen a game where he has not gone AFK.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
I'm convinced Moderators need to take action, as this behavior is generally unacceptable.
But as he can be a good teammates (at times), a warning should be issued in my opinion.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
multiple people have reported him

This does not appear to be accurate, at least as far as reports for AFKing are concerned. I would like to see a few more replays to establish a pattern.
+0 / -0

+0 / -0
I'm not one to go out of my way to join a hate train but holy shit this player IS THE NEW Jee.

He makes me wanna kick him before the match even starts because I already know he is gonna do some dumb strategy and then resigns when his toy gets destroyed. At least Jee didn't have the AUDACITY to drag entire matches down ON PURPOSE.

I went to the trouble of specing 16 of 2023's recent games at 10x speed BY CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER I am not nit picking any "bad" games, these litteraly happened in sucession and as I am writing this I am specing a Teams All Welcome lobby where he is DOING IT AGAIN.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746667 - Rushes Djin, Factory dies at minute 3 because of it then he polls a resign vote, does nothing for 5 minutes, then makes a gs factory, rushes revenant and his factory dies again to moderators. His team tries resigning but now 2023 doesn't want to resign so his 2 team mates resign by themselves, 2023 then makes BLaNKMiND's commander jump in the water so he could drag the game ON PURPOSE because he is a mad little child. Sense the enemy team didn't have any underwater weapons the game had to drag on for another 5 MINUTES until they made ravens and an owl to kill his underwater commander.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746647 - Puts factory in the frontline and rushes tremor, enemy team quickly responds by raiding him, resigns by minute 4 after his factory is destroyed along with the newly built tremor.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746625 - He sneaked a wasp and created a spider factory in the enemy backline. This achieves nothing sense before any unit was produced his team already won without him.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746616 - Made a good play in the beginning killing enemy factory, does nothing the rest of the game and team wins for him.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746597 - Rushes newton ramp to launch REAVERS, donating metal to the enemy team ALL GAME.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746581 - Rushes Djin, Loses factory by minute 1:30 because of this and loses the Djin in the process, then tries again the same strategy and team resigns shortly after the second Djin is built.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746572 - Resigns half way through the game because his base gets raided at minute 10 after that he spams resign vote as spec.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746558 - Actually makes units and actually achieves a win where he participated the whole game. (*clap*)

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1746142 - AFK until minute 9:20 (team resigns 2 minutes after that)

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745911 - Talks nonsense in all chat then resigns at minute 8:30 for no reason (match lasted 53 minutes)

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745489 - Team keeps telling him to plop fac and make units, makes 5 slings and 1 phantom, at min 13 goes afk and when he comes back 1 minute later he just exits the game, causing the lobby to throw a kick vote which is sucessful and he is kicked from Teams All Welcome, his team wins because now they have the metal to do so. Everyone agrees in spec chat that he is a troll and does this very frequently.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745482 - Enemy team very good comentary about how 2023 is gonna troll already, game starts normally until he starts giving Mudosaka his units which Mudo keeps telling him not to, at minute 9 Mudo resigns because of his behavior, sense it was already a handicapped game and 2023 was doing nothing. After mudo resgined he decides to suicide all the units while rushing paladin? When his paladin is killed before it's finished he goes into mad child mode once again, doesn't resign and his only objective is to drag the match on for another 7 MINUTES, ON PURPOSE.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745372 - Actually makes units and actually wins. (*clap*)

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745351 - Makes no units the entire game, morphs com, when his com died to a jack he resgined.

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745329 - Only makes eco, when front collapses he polls resign. Somehow his team gets their shit together and manages hold long enough for 2023's eco to do its thing. (*clap*)

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1745292 - Rushes Djin, loses factory at minute 4, for some reason doesn't instantly resign? Makes strider hub and an athena, manages to sneak athena to enemy backline and make a Djin, before it is of any use he gets discovered and after Djin is killed he resigns.
+10 / -0
Kosynthary is going through zero k banning college.
Serious part now. 2023 is probably a troll, or simply ignorant. In a game which I attended live (Match provided by kosynthary game list). He needlessly transferred units to mudosaka, which caused them to lose the game, not only this, he also dragged the game out. In the second game which I just saw, he played leagues below his level. He built nigh no units, and connecting all the mexes by solar while not doing anything else. Behavior I'd expect from a red rank. I wouldn't ban him yet. Despite his transgressions, I've seen nothing that warrants an outright ban. My advice is to gather more opinions then to proceed with a warning, if he continues this behavior after being warned and told, then it must be the straw to break the camel's back.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
OK, noted. I will need some time to look at those replays and since this is a more subtle offence than "teamkilling" or "verbal abuse" I would prefer other moderators have input as well, so don't expect instant action, but it should not take too long.
+3 / -0
17 months ago
Weiweiwtf was such an obvious troll too from the start, rampaged for ages few years back, fuel for absolute nightmares. Maybe got some short penalties, cant remember exactly, but it was hilarious as to how it just was allowed to continue and continue and continue. Ah, and weiwei is actually back with another name, playing a bit, oh joy!

("we didnt get enough reports" I know I know)
+1 / -0

17 months ago
2023 is generally just a really bad player. He engages in suboptimal strats and is an all-round team brick. I don't think he's trolling on purpose however. I think he's trying out wierd strats and then resigning when they don't work out.
+2 / -0
17 months ago
We aren't worried about him being a lobster we are worried about the AFKs.

It seems like he got the message yesterday.

He's been communicating more and not dropping out.

Skill will come in time.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
He seemed to have been doing sneak-krow rushes before. I like his creativity, as this strategy DID catch teams off-guard before! Plus, hunting for the krows is fun.

If he does enough of these "weird strats" (and no AFK), he should become a wildcard for any team that has him.

I refrain from further comment.
+2 / -0

17 months ago
I should have added this in my previous post.

I don't expect USrank2023 to be banned outright (of course), however, I do expect that the moderation team stops and does not encourage this type of behavior any further by giving him warnings and escalate from there.

This is a player that has PROVEN to give a miserable experience to anyone on the same team as him. Everyone that has played a good few matches or paid any attention to anything he does can agree that if we had to take turns to pick our team mates he would be the last picked player that no one wants AND FOR A REASON.

This player does not "win" games, 90% of all his wins are because he didn't instantly feed the enemy team and his team carried him through regardless of his actions. This is a player that has PROVEN to know how to properly play the game and win as a team, yet still makes these dumb """STRATEGIES""" that never work, dies, then resigns. And 90% of his loses he was the MAIN reason his team lost.

Games where he could literally go AFK and still win:


Games where I believe he IS the reason the team lost:


Don't give him the noob card, he knows how to play:


These are still those 16 games in that chronological order, I am not nit picking, you can literally open up his match history and start watching any game and it is almost guaranteed that it is either a Loss that is 90% dependent on him or a win where it doesn't matter what he does he would still win.

Is this good? Is this not toxic? Would I be better served in a casino than playing a match with this child? That drags games on purpose, goes AFK, spams chat with Wikipedia articles, resigns when his toys are destroyed while he does his so called """STRATEGIES"""? Maybe, I'll let moderation decide.

Let's see if he does get better like USranksomekid mentioned, I don't want him to get banned out of nowhere, but right now, in my eyes, he is just a troll wasting peoples time and patience.
+2 / -1
17 months ago

Continue his legacy!!!!

(I'm just joking chill)
+0 / -2

17 months ago
After some technical investigation the admins have concluded USrank2023 is a USrankDaKeys smurf. A permban has been applied.
+13 / -0
17 months ago
Finally. Thank you Aquanim!
+0 / -0

17 months ago
Ahhhhh DaKeys that suddenly all makes sense LOL.
+2 / -0
17 months ago
Oh wow, I always give people the benefit of the doubt but I guess trolls are real. They are here among us to test our sanity.
+0 / -0

Not that I believe this thread..

I don't remember dekays being that bad at this game though.
+0 / -0
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