Thorn Groove
Bar Tender
Last battles
756 played, 288 watched, 0 missionsB1955279 1 on Desolation v1
B1950006 2 on AlienDesert
B1949996 2 on AlienDesert
B1949987 2 on AlienDesert
B1944932 2 on Terra 2
B1940462 1 on Highway 95 West v2.1
B1926885 15 on TheRockFinal
B1926859 16 on Otago 1.4
B1923040 1 on Chicken_Farm_v02
B1923032 1 on Chicken_Farm_v02
Posted threads
520 posts in 107 threadsThe Tormentor (Zero-K community urban legend)
how is bulkhead beating rogues now
Defense/Attack gamemode mechanics
I wish Zero-K adds these classes!
i think im done
Haters, be warned: I might rap against you
"Grouping menu"
Wild take (Strawman Units)
New reason why I'm getting rusty
need new idea
Poll votes
- What sized teamgames do you enjoy most? : 2v2-4v4
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : 14v14-16v16
- Do you watch replays? : no, do not know how or which ones are worth watching.
- What do you like most about Zero-K? : This poll hurts too much, I cannot pick one..
- What is your preferred team game size? : Small 2v2 to 4v4
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 19 days agoForum karma: +206 / -82
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