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Any tips for improving early game, and a way to locate what maps are used for the campaign missions?

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17 months ago
Maybe 2 topics in one but I don't wanna spam the page too much, but both are pretty much in the subject.

I feel like I have a pretty good mid and end game, but I struggle to get there against the hard AI. I just can't seem to match its unit output and harass options long enough to get to that midgame where I actually start to hold my own and really make an efficient grinder.

If you want specific context I generally play Shields, Gunships, and Hovers. I'd want to also work tanks in a little more but they're just soooo slow to get out. I do like Rover, Jumps, and Cloaks as well overall, just lack the solid 'efficient exchange/siege' core that matches my grinder style. Hovers especially are ones that I struggle to get off the ground, it seems like the dagger just loses to most options, a little too rounded for it's own good almost.

The other question is just is there a way to find what maps are used in the campaign? A lot of my favourites I've found already, but there's more than a couple I'm still kind of curious on. (Namely, the Starlight map). If anyone's made a list or something that could be linked, that'd be great!
+2 / -0

17 months ago
The most direct way to find the maps is to look up the mapName field in the mission files https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Chobby/tree/master/campaign/sample/planets
+2 / -0

17 months ago
I could write a lot, but maybe try to replicate this:

You don`t have to pick cloaky, you can also take other factories, but you should try to get it done with most of them.
My guess is that you are too slow or too passive in the beginning, because this is where the ai is the weakest.
+0 / -0
Thanks Aquanim! How do I tell which planet is which 'number' without just, brute force checking each LUA?

If I do have to brute force check each LUA then, rip, but far less effort than blankly scrolling the menu for the umpteenth time.

EDIT: Learned how to use githubs search feature, found it, thank you!

Kata: I'll have to watch it later. I thought I was doing a pretty good job being agressive throwing out 2-3 raiders to forward mexes, while trying to set up a main 'bunker' to hold at the halfway point of the map, try to control the eco lead early and then use efficient fighters and superior metal to eventually overwhelm whatever the AI tried to poke my lines with.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
Oh yeah, that is a good strat if you play against multiple AI. The more forward you can get away with that bunker, the better. If you play against a single bot, you dont need the bunker tho. So you can practice raiding against a single bot, then apply what you learned to your games against 2 or more bots.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
Yeah, I just struggle to match their ability to counter aggress the push, they either get out substantially more doods than me, or their doods just outperform mine. Doing another run I realized the hover AI mostly uses Bolas as raiders, and not Daggers, so that might help my hover game at least if I incorporate it myself.

I do also tend to prefer team games just as a personal thing, 3v3v3 being a personal fave for having a good mix of chaos with antics. Wish more maps were built for it.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
I get you friend, I struggled there as well.

Shields, gunships, and hover are, what I would call, a "macro" factory. In the early game, it is good to have a "micro" factory to pressure the opponent, and it's more fun.

The point of a micro factory is less so to take out the opponent, and more so to force the enemy into making too many defenses. Raiders, assault units, nukes, air units, they are a good start.

Then, once the micro factory has forced too many defenses out of the opponent, the important decision is to switch to a more macro-oriented factory. The point of a macro factory is that it scales way better in numbers, unlike, say, rovers, or cloakbots. Tanks, shieldbots, gunships, hovercraft, those are good choices for a macro factory, as you have noticed already.

This is how to play the game the fun way. It might not be the most efficient, but this strat is mine. Let me know what you think, Zsword!
+0 / -0
17 months ago
That was definitely something I was noticing and musing about myself Clive, that there are subtle 'sub roles' to various factions or units, and have mused about which of the other 'quicker start' factories I might start using as an opener in more general situations.

Did watch Kata's replay finally and see how it works out in a singles situation and took some notes about the sheer volume of units he utilized and just how in their face he was, as well as a few pieces of that opening build order that made a pretty decent improvement on it's own. Will keep poking at it and figuring out balance and what tools are effective in the various match ups. Thanks guys!
+2 / -0