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at a glance

13 posts, 563 views
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i had an idea .. you know how player profiles have the pictures and stuff.. these seem like great indications of how players play.. it might be kind of cool if the 3 most numerous showed next to the name. maybe its too clutter..

the last of the 3 icons would be the lowest and the first the highest

i would be:

this way i can tell at a glance if a player is a head hunter or a sea admiral or air-force commander ect

Godde would be:

what you think?
+5 / -1
would be cool, but the award distribution is very similar for most players. Its much rarer to get an airforce general than a big purple heart. Most players would have the same things show up.

Those sort of "Primary awards" arent very telling of a players style, only really the secondary role specific ones are

+4 / -0
thats a good point maybe these ones could be omitted:

like this:

this way at a glance i can tell kapy likes slow, fire and trollcom =)
+2 / -1
15 months ago
Seems about right, I did like to trollcom with moderators a lot
+1 / -0
here is another idea.. lol

maybe a blood drop icon with (0-100) indicating average damage dealt vs time as a % so we can tell what frontlines are weakest early on.. that way players at the back can make there super weapons with a better balanced frontline.

so if a player does 80% of the damage in a match but in the last 10 minutes of a 100 minute game.. they will have a (blood icon)=8
80% x 10% = 8%

and if a player does 10% of damage in a game but in the first 10 minutes of a 100 minute game.. they will have a (blood icon)=9
10% x 90% = 9%

so strong players that fight early can show there value
+0 / -1
15 months ago
You can get at least half of them for free.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
I had a similar idea: make a name from each combination of first couple of awards. Like for your example: SmokeDragon "hard reclaiming turtle" (ok, left out purple heart)

This should be done for game type (casual/match making) otherwise you would farm everything in single player.

If you are curious about your current stats of awards per game type you can check: zero-k local analysis 0 first time will take ~30 seconds to load depends on your internet speed. Link is for last 6 months you can do it on longer period - but there will be more wait.
+1 / -0
i agree its more of a lobsterpot indication and would need to be independant of single player.. it was mostly to help players start with a reasonable understanding of local teammates preferred roles..

wich can probably just be done with communication but many do not talk or listen at all.

if there was ever a dispute from for example two people who both want air when we need another frontline player then an airfore awards can help resolve a claim for the air role..

but it was just an idea
+0 / -0

15 months ago
you can also make more rankings/statistics out of this. e.g. all time winner of CA etc. gives certain players incentives. also (looking at the awards), join mumble when you want depression, we like to self-destruct.
+2 / -0
15 months ago
Biggest concern is people grinding awards from personal games.....
+0 / -0
15 months ago
reclaim award isn't that common...

one way to do it is to average the ratio of awards for all ZK player, and then show the "greater then average" awards a player has
+1 / -0
I don't like this for mainly two reasons: "play styles" should be discouraged. It's a bad mentality for RTS. If you have a play style, you are predictable and you get countered just by name.

The second part is that if earned naturally through the actions taken in game, without regard to awards but rather how those actions affect the player/team's position, then the award can be indicative of positive contribution. But if you play with the goal of reaching a certain award, you're not thinking about what the team needs anymore and you're just thinking about how everybody else can serve your purpose, usually at their expense.

If I'm plopping air, the enemy gets a lot of AA and I shift towards maintaining owls for vision while I assist the next team's project, I get 0 awards. If I play planes and I'm specifically award hunting, why would I make owls? If I ever assist a project and they use it, they get the damage, they get the value built, they get all the things that the game measures and provides awards for while I get nothing. Is that what you want? For teammates to not assist anything or provide support that isn't graphed, just because if they do, they appear to suck based solely on the lack of icons next to their names?

There's not much that is more frustrating to me to see a gunship/strider/megaproject player get a plate and get a lot of cons to catch reclaim while the front falls, and then their krow/strider/whatever shows up and they go "see it's good, I got most damage/purple award"... aw geez, thanks man. That was very beneficial for the team... not.
+4 / -0
15 months ago
=) i upvoted your concerns but i had hoped it to be more of an indication of what to maybe expect from a player rather then a role.. so air-force com might not always be air they are still able to be flexible but you could see that they prefer to go air.
+0 / -0