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TheFlyingFortress gotta land

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Due to cut backs on time, i have realized Zero-K does not fit my schedule anymore, so i will leave for a time, maybe 1-2 years, not entirely sure? Well in a couple of days. Not sure if im going to return playing ZK anymore. Might join quite rarely though.

So my dissapearance does not go unnoticed, i made this post.
(well seems like im just trying to drag attention to me, to be clear i dont lol), as most people who quit ZK dont make a post seemingly dragging attention to themselves from what ive noticed.

Been fun, yall!

Remember to have fun!
+18 / -3
8 months ago
you will be missed <3

i hope you can come back to play with your friends here some time soon =)
+1 / -0
8 months ago
Well, still kind of do have time tomorrow.
+0 / -0

8 months ago
So, can you give us a hint, one two chars of your new nickname? :-P

Good Luck! :-)
+1 / -0

7 months ago
It's a shame.
You were a good playmate. We will miss you
+2 / -0
all things come to an end.
+2 / -0
"all things come to an end"

you and all our kind think so?..

who am i to disagree with that?..

probably nobody at all..


you could always ask Godde im sure he knows... =P
+1 / -0
7 months ago
We lost another one, hope he may find peace.
+1 / -0

7 months ago
posts yesterday hes done. (games played today) xd
+5 / -1

Well, still kind of do have time tomorrow.


so i will leave for a time, maybe 1-2 years, not entirely sure? Well in a couple of days.


I hate to be rude like this, but atleast read the context.
Is this all you do, critize me?

Do you need any more citations to confirm the validity of what i said?

You do not have to simply state the obvious to try to make me look bad in the public image, to make me seem like some attention seeking person. Why do you try to maintain this undefeatist attitude when saying something regarding me?

Is this not sufficent, lets look at the time when i played and when the post was made...
+1 / -0
you can play as often as you like flying and you can even change your mind and it will be good that you are happy...

i think in a way you may be looking for your own story of betrayals and rejection

my advice is forgive regardless of if its true or not..

i doubt they even do want war with you..

but if they do want war... then you could always 'turn the other cheek' unless you want it too?

you could just let go.. demanding justice is the beginnings of spite
+4 / -0

7 months ago
USrankCliver5 Back?
+2 / -0
7 months ago
See ya later G
+2 / -0
7 months ago
Flying we will all miss you.
All the best :)
+3 / -0
7 months ago
He acc left :(
+2 / -0
7 months ago
Yes unfortunately :(, and sad part was, some accused him of acting like an attention w***e when he played his last games the next day. Some people can be so mean... Luckily the most part of the community has great and caring people.
+0 / -0
one may pose the question: "How do i see this thread is semi-active, when i said i quit ZK", it is an unfixed issue that the Zero-K menu randomly appears, and i happen to see this thread.
I perceive that most of the people who read this, will be slightly confused when i say this.
Allthough i do not have time for Zero-K, like mentioned above, i have taken 5 minutes out of my sparse time to make this post.
Some time back, i was not expecting this thread to, be active, for the most part. I want to take the opportunity to clarify that that i do not want to be associated with this, or any other name anymore.

Let my name fade into Obscurity and irrelevance. (maybe idk)

Also Thanks for the games, and the (mostly) nice community!
+0 / -0
7 months ago
Just a thought -- you can ask the admins to delete your account. That'll help get rid of the associativity. Won't remove you from internetarchive and such though.
+0 / -0
That is not required. One day, i might return, when RL situations become better. (Aka when i will have time to pursue my own interests.)
+1 / -0
7 months ago
Fair enough. Hope your situation improves.
+1 / -0
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