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zk COC 3c

6 posts, 483 views
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8 months ago

Pursuing all-or-nothing strategies without the consent of your team, or resigning on your own because you faced an early minor setback, is disrespectful to your teammates. A pattern of such behavior may result in moderator action, and in any case you will be damaging your own reputation in the community.

There is a warning at my profile refering to this, currently spotted it.

Yall know how i play with athena. Why this is raised now? All that comes to mind is that ILrankyuvyuv has some beef with me that resulted in me just rage quitting to not deal with his childishness and pettiness. if this warning is on his behalf i can assure you his views are jealousness filled with a long standing butthurt of his toward me and have nothing to do with how i play with athena, or skuttles. Also i had caught my first cold last week since 13 years ago so i was little under the weather during the time of that warning. And also doing some random rl heavy stuff.


3.c. of coc is kinda wierd, many said a lot of communism here, and i kinda liked the vibe of bar more, esp in relation of team support and paying for t2 and stuff. i do a lot of openttd besides that for eco skillz. communism and/or sahira law of absolute top down control (i.e. women must be acompaniated by male guardians) and permission for fun is really strong here. esp. with seek permission to have fun. its just a video game... go outside once a while and do mtb/paintball or something.

when i do athena, its not usually all or nothing, its eco play while athena is looking for a spot to land. also i get requests for tele placements from others that i do. or fire support from scylla that is often executed to get some stray silo or something. not sure where you get that silly nothing its all or nothing. its more often than not a fus or two or even a singu is being queued in time of athena looking for a nest or sytches roaming eco, or skutles looking for early coms... also as added bonus eco in my zone is highly connected and often me walking extra mile to get power linked to get early athena power. and more often than not you get from my athena one or more big radars on a stick giving proper intel, often with radar jamming constr beside it.

about zk coc 3c, it promotes worshiping the game instead of using game to have fun. it promotes stagnation and waiting for death instead of taking chances... and youll never know till you take a chance

you might surprise yourself....


+0 / -0

8 months ago
seek permission to have fun

You do not have an unlimited license to have fun at the expense of the fun of your teammates.

If you can't accept that then this is not a suitable community for you.

The warning was prompted by reports from several users. ILrankyuvyuv was not one of them.
+4 / -0
im curious why doesnt the rank - reflect these play styles?

if player A makes no units and just a massive spire in base every single game. ie. (massive metal waste)

how long does it take for the rank to become balanced? (rank = zero)

and would if it reached zero rank be acceptable for them to play?

i wonder why would 20 zero rank players on a team be a problem? can rank go negative?
+0 / -0
One can achieve consistent disrespect for one's teammates without being quite as worthless as
makes no units and just a massive spire in base every single game

Some players have managed it while maintaining Supergiant (silver) rank.
+2 / -0
8 months ago

You do not have an unlimited license to have fun at the expense of the fun of your teammates.

With broad and autocratic definition of "at others expense" where that definition hinges in its assumptions on seeking permission to having fun from others, it might be true. However after you start reading what you write it might come at least as childish circural logic.


If you can't accept that then this is not a suitable community for you.

dude. im vegan living among corpsemunchers, i can accept a lot. tho as i mentioned, i sometimes feel more like playing bar than zk. that said there are works on mapmaker in blender for all springrts sub communities and mod projects, including bar, the future wars chickens and zk projects.

+0 / -0

8 months ago
PLrankrookstoo you're overcomplicating this. Look at the warning.
WARNING: You consistently disrespect your team. Eg in B1821403 you wait three minutes to plop then deal no damage throughout the entire game. At your experience level, your teammates are justified in thinking you are trolling them. Penalties will follow for continuing this behaviour. See the part of the CoC on all-or-nothing strategies.

It is simple.
  • Enough people find that your presence makes the game worse to report you. People are saying that your fun is at their expense.
  • The moderators view these reports and see some merit to them. Eg not plopping and then going on to deal zero damage.
  • At some point we decide that your teammates are impacted enough for it to be worth trying to make you stop, through warnings and then penalties.
Since you're being belligerent about this, I'm going to leave it up to you to figure out how to play in such a way that your teammates don't wish you were not there. You'll succeed or fail, but if you fail you'll get reports and eventually know about it.

im curious why doesnt the rank - reflect these play styles?

After dealing with this kind of thing for a while, I think its down to effectiveness not being directly tied to respect. Players can be ineffective but give off the impression of trying, of contributing to the team. Part of it seems to be to do with simple things, like plopping or contributing a bit to a front. Not doing the same weird tactic every game helps too. A lot is down to communication. Eg PLrankrookstoo calling ILrankyuvyuv butthurt reinforces the impression that he doesn't care whether his teammates have a good time.
+4 / -1