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Noob questions

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10 months ago
Hi! Im new to zero-k and also new to english so, sorry if i make mistakes.

I was reading some posts in the forum and came to the conclusion that taking all the metal extractors is very selfish. On the other hand, powerfull units cost a lot of resources, so it becomes unviable to make things like grizlly or other expensive units/buildings.
Considering both facts, what are good units to play with? Considering i'm new to the game.
Do i need to make only one/two types of units? Do i need to play the same unit till the end of the game? is it better to have a big army of cheap units or a smaller one with better units? What is a good proportion between metal extractors and solar panels? At which point is it better to make a singu?
I saw a post with the unit's tier list and found it helpfull and easy to understand but got bad results in battles.

Me and my friends (all noobs) love this game, we hope to understand it better and have a lot of fun battles.
Thanks for reading!
+5 / -0
10 months ago
metal is shared
+4 / -0
10 months ago
about solar, its experience based.
mostly 1-2, with some experience you can tell if a solar is worth it or not (too close to front/better to bulid more mexes)
+1 / -0
10 months ago
Units are Rock Paper Scicors based, adapt to your enemy.
+1 / -0
10 months ago
Singu when you have room to breathe.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
As a first approximation, make 1 solar per mex. About units, first make some raiders. Then, make an infinite loop of 2 raiders to 1 skirmisher. Every other unit has its use case, too. To learn about them, you can read this.
+4 / -0

10 months ago
taking all the metal extractors is very selfish

Metal income from extractors is shared to your teammates, so it does not matter which of you actually builds the extractor.

what are good units to play with? Considering i'm new to the game.

I usually suggest starting with Cloaky factory, because the lessons you learn by playing Cloaky will translate well to all the other factories.

Do i need to play the same unit till the end of the game?

You should try to adjust your unit composition as the game goes on to counter whatever your opponent is doing. Of course, they should be trying to do the same to you.
+4 / -0
10 months ago
Thank you all, you were very helpfull. The Rock-paper-scisors aproach is very clear and i´ll need to study the unit classes and uses.
+2 / -0

10 months ago
Now be the op player in the friend group and get purple through closed circle play lol
+1 / -0

10 months ago
Metal income from extractors is shared to your teammates, so it does not matter which of you actually builds the extractor.

Full(?) detailed version:


What is a good proportion between metal extractors and solar panels?

You want only slightly more energy than metal until all extractors are taken. Then you start to add more energy. Why?
Excess energy can be converted into metal via overdrive. But that overdrive is generally more powerful the more mexes you have. So if you end up with less mexes then your opponent, they can also generate more overdrive in the long run, and the higher income allows them to build more energy faster than you. If you see people getting away with building way more energy than they would need in the beginning, then it is not because its a viable strategy, but because their opponent messed up.
+1 / -0
I was reading some posts in the forum and came to the conclusion that taking all the metal extractors is very selfish.

I assume you are referring to the post i made about someone reclaiming metal and then funneling it into expensive units. When a unit dies it leaves debris which can be reclaimed by builders. Metal that is reclaimed this way is not shared.

The post was about a person sending builders to a front they weren't participating in, claiming metal from that front and then funneling it all into expensive units. This is selfish behavior as the front where the debris is, is often the front that needs it most to replenish its lost units from the clash.

So as long as you dont spam builders and reclaim all the metal only to funnel them into expensive units (and proceed to do nothing with them), then you should be fine. It is fine to reclaim from other fronts as well if you can use that metal in a way that benefit the team, but if your teammates are saying they need the reclaim or help in the front you are reclaiming from its always polite to help them.
+2 / -0

10 months ago
Why is reclaim not shared? Is it to encourage reclaim in team games?

I guess in some way it works out to strengthen individual players..
And also to keep the metal in a particular lane.

Still, I think it would be nice if a percentage of the reclaim was shared.
+1 / -1
10 months ago
DamSon, i dont know how to quote, but you are right. I didnt know the difference between mexes and reclaiming metal, so i missunderstood it a little. Thaks for the explanation!!

Katastrophe: Mexes overdrive is "infinite"? Like, if i build more energy, can i always get metal faster?
+0 / -0

10 months ago

I quote from the economy guide:

Overdrive makes your mexes produce more metal, with diminishing returns as you pump more and more energy into them. Due to this, the more mexes the energy is spread over, the more efficiently you can overdrive them, and the more metal you get for invested energy—so always try and take territory. Overdrive requires an energy structure near the extractor to work, but as long as the colour of your overdrive circles are the same, the efficiency is the same—don't worry about linking your whole grid together (but that would still be good). Rather, make a solar panel next to each extractor for maximum returns.


+0 / -0

10 months ago
if you want a hard factory to play with, the rover factory is by far the hardest one to learn, but by far the most rewarding to play well.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
tackling the advanced crafting in the starship factory can also be a tough challange to complete
+0 / -0

10 months ago
no factory is 'hard to learn'
+0 / -0
10 months ago
It depends on each person, you can find a factory "easy to learn" while me would find the same factory "harder to learn"
+1 / -0