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Multiple detriment jumping = too high self-damage

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From the wiki, Det jump is supposed to be 2k damage, but having several jump and land at the same place, seems to deal massive self-damage (enough to kill all 86k health)??? It seems that this happens when two dets overlap in midair somehow...

Eg. https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1976179
+1 / -0
5 months ago
Edit: it seems that this happens with Juggernaut too. Two juggernauts right next to each other jumping together on top of two other juggernauts destroys most of themselves.

When multiple units (with jump damage) jump together and land on several other units, somehow the damage is MUCH higher than stated jump damage.
+2 / -0
5 months ago
Yes I keep having huge explosions in my AI games when AI sends detriments to jump to close to each-other, can we please have a fix???
+0 / -0

5 months ago
Jugglenauts did this for a long time so I'm not surprised. I suspect it is something to do with suddenly being inside another unit when impulse is applied, which makes the collision velocity look high. Someone could look into something like a velocity limit in the collision damage gadget, if this is the case? Or maybe leave it as an easter egg?
+3 / -0
5 months ago
If it can be fixed, please do. As this 'easter egg' makes games with many ai detriments less fun as they just mass explode before reaching my base when they jump into eachother... :(
+0 / -0