Its pretty annoying that many people are dragging games. I will not call out any names.
What happens is the map is lost 60-40.
-> Army is significantly less
-> Enemy has porc
-> Economy is low (obviously lower than enemies)
-> Reclaim is not available, etc.
I have seen this be explained many times to them, but they just do not listen, oftentimes completely ignoring the person. I know since so many people don't read everything I say, I need to explicitly state this: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ONLY MY EXPERIENCES. There are definitely many of mine in there, BUT IT IS NOT ONLY ME.
I don't know how to fix it or anything, but many people are losing precious time over this. Depending on your amount of games played a day, you could be losing up to 1-2 hours a day.
P.S. (I get that people could play it for fun, but I don't see anything fun in losing your army and being pushed in from all sides.)