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Can we all stop nuking antis?

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35 days ago
Feels like ever single nuke fired at the moment goes straight into the clutches of an anti.

Do we need some improvement to the nuke widget so it better points out that your nuke aint gonna hit the spec of backline that happens to not be covered by an anti.

Do anti's need to be better highlighted when scouted?
+2 / -0
Sounds like a skill issue. The existing UI is pretty clear, if you have actually scouted the antis. Nukes still win games if deployed properly.
+6 / -0

35 days ago
I'd accept a PR that did something like change the AoE indicator to make it clearer when you are firing into a scouted anti. I think it is already reasonably clear though.
+1 / -0
35 days ago
i like that the radius of scouted antinukes is highlighted when you try to nuke into it.
but that alone doesnt make it clear that your nuke also gets intercepted when you fire behind that circle.

overall its a knowledge issue i think, cant do much about that besides making it absolutely clear in the campaign/tutorial or maybe the tooltip of the nuke.

it is pretty clear when you know how nukes and antinuke works. but from my own experience i can say that i needed a couple of wasted nukes to understand it properly. No widget in the world would have prevented that.

so i also would say its more a "skill issue" than a "game ui issue"

so my advice here is to not let the "stupidity" of others destroy your inner peace. Be helpfull with advice ingame if you think the one that is building nukes, doesnt know what he is doing.

this post is in no way meant to attack anyone. nukes which have been intercepted are an opportunity for learning :)
+1 / -0