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Visibility of scouted buildings in fog-of-war

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13 days ago
For scouted buildings that are in fog-of-war.
Why are they not shown with their proper icons when zoomed out?

Why do we need to rely on pings for identifying things in the first place when they are already scouted.
It means if you don't have the ping widget on, you are at a significant disadvantage. As you have to manually zoom in and know what each building looks like in fog-of-war. Some buildings actually look significantly different, or blend into the map very well making them hard to spot.

E.g. If you scout a shield gen, it is almost invisible when in fog-of-war, I shouldn't need to zoom all the way in just to spot them.
+4 / -0

3 days ago
Sounds reasonable. Perhaps make the icon semi-transparent so it isn't confused for a unit that definitely exists. It would probably also look better if the distinction between radar covered and uncovered area is retained.
+4 / -0

3 days ago
Would be very nice because it would help people notice a scout happened. The only problem now is that if we destroy a building that has no vision would the greyed out icon stay or go away once its destroyed. (Better then zooming in and looking for some specific smoke particles)
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