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gimbal, you must play!

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11 years ago
it's a atmospheric combat game, where you can actually design the aircraft you fly!

currently my favorite shooter game

+1 / -0
11 years ago
Before i download the demo to test it, what i can do in demo, what it miss?
+0 / -0
the demo is basicaly the game, you can play in multiplayer and design your ships ect...

you are just limited to a maximum of 2000t ship instead of the 6000t ship that you can get at the max level

also the higher rank modules are locked, but you dont really need them(they are all pretty usless).

you could stick with the demo and still have as much fun as in the full game.
(thats what i did for the first week of playing this game, also the reason i wasnt in ZK much for the last ~2 weeks)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Can ship design be shared?
Cause i have no idea of how to make a ship that can move well.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
yes they can, you just need to take oposit teams and kill eachother.
its actualy a fairly common practice XD

also a sablizer software module can handle flight control for you, which is usefull

if you are online i can give you a good design
+0 / -0
WOW, this is seriously tough but cool!

you can seriously add thruster anywhere you wanted(!) and direction!... OMG! this is soo mindblowing fun!

Absolute control, you can even make it move like CounterStrike strafe or even like airplane or even like in BattlestarGalactica movie or with dual thruster like in Stargate.

UPDATE: there's no people playing and the top down view is kind of not fun :(
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:P yea gimbal suffers from the same problem as spring, low user count
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Game is good, but there should be a "official" serve that have same cap was Demo (max one Star and 2000T ships only), if it want to get a bigger player base, with time the players of that server would want to use/see more modules/etc and would buy the game.

The "newbie" server have a limit of 2 star will make new player find game very unfair (pay to win) or just find not one playing.

P.S.: Missile ammo to low, need to reload in Carrier to many times. An laser did seen a little OP.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
erm... after reaching the max demo, the game has no more progression :(
+0 / -0
11 years ago
yea you need to buy full version to play with the whole set of toys :P

but its really not nesesary, ive made some really good designs limiting myself to 2000t and only first rank modules.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Post a pic of them and a short description and we will be able to copy/test it.
+0 / -0

some good designs

QV-y V, B408 and X-203 have weapons mounted on a turret, and linked to a mouse targeter. B408 and X-203 both use 2 mouce targeters

L22 "shiv" is a design i stole from someone (by killing them) but its good

the last 2 images are a cutaway of a fighter i made on the spot showing how i make my fighters turn.
the front and back ruders are both linked to a stablizer software, which controlls the whole planes movment.

the second picture is the completed fighter, engines guns and all. its fundamentaly a copy of the L22 "shiv"
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Wow, it's kind of funny seeing this here because there have been fliers for this game on the walls of Michigan State's Engineering Building for a while now. Apparently, some MSU grad quit his job to make this game, and I figured he was trying to get some money out of it by advertizing to other MSU students. I didn't realize the game was more widespread than the advertizing I've seen around campus, which is kind of cool. In any case, if you want, add /msu to the end of the game's website and you can purchase it for $5 instead of $15.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Not really that interesting.. a bit of fun for like 1 hour.. but if you want more interesting stuff get starfarer for example.

For good designs get lasers on turrets with mouse targeting -> instagib -> total win.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
^.^ lol licho... lasers really dont work well against high speed missile ships

bang and you got 24 missiles coming you your ass at high speed

lasers only work well in the 2 star rooms because noone has armor, missiles, railguns, 3000m/s speed ships(wich lasers cant reliably track), torpedoes, bombs, ect... basicaly laser ships aren't allways viable.

but yes laser boat is pretty powerfull, but my long range stealth sniper or my missile/torpedoe boat can blow you out of the sky from outside laser range
+0 / -0
i do saw people use railgun.... sooo soooooo far away...

game not compatible with 1 star player :/

I would like a peaceful mod, where people only modify engine and keybinds and add vector thrusters and calculate drag & center or gravity and add control surface to make ultimate racer in an obstacle course. Don't want all this "snipe you!"...

People just sit at one place and vomit generous amount of bullet or just fly by at 3000m/s and shoot laser at you like you are monkeys :/
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you can do just what you said in a custom server XD
just like you can play sim sity in private server in ZK
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You can edit a map to set a obstacle course?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i dont know, but probably no. there are some maps that are verry obstacle courcey though, and you can disable damage, edit air resistance ect...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I love both gimbal and starsector. Gimbal needs a raceing mode and grapling hooks. Starsector needs its campaign mode changed to 4x or something.
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