Last battles
224 played, 49 watched, 64 missionsB1624675 2 on Obsidian_1.5
B1624666 2 on Obsidian_1.5
B1624661 2 on Fairyland 1.31
B1624651 2 on Fields_Of_Isis
B1624638 2 on Red Comet Remake 1.7
B1624632 2 on AcidicQuarry 5.16
B975991 2 on Eye of Horus v13
B975981 2 on Otago 1.4
B968545 3 on Chicken Nuggets v5
B965993 2 on Fields_Of_Isis
Posted threads
99 posts in 6 threadsSteam release push
Overdrive Graphics Idea
Website request - Move the Steam login button to the right
Licho's developer diary
For interested AI developers
B442196 2 on Lonely Oasis v1 (Multiplayer)
Zero-K v1.5.1.5 - Commshare testing, global storage removal
ZK Graph-Based AI (ZKGBAI)
B441865 3 on La Isla Bonita v1 (Multiplayer)
How can I move in-game widgets?
Poll votes
- Are you playing with text to speech (automatic reading of ally text) enabled? : Yes (default settings)
- Do you think your would rather use Left Mouse Button or Middle Mouse Button to move the camera with the minimap? : I would prefer Left Mouse Button.
- Do you currently use the minimap to select units? (Left click on a minimap icon or left click and drag a box) : No
- We recently changed to engine v97 (with a progress bar on load screen). In large team games it: : I don't play large team games/don't know yet
- The Nuke Bomber is going to be renamed, Eagle is to be dropped and we would like something dragony. Pick your favourite: : Wyvern
First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 18 months agoForum karma: +132 / -2
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