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Zero-K v1.5.1.5 - Commshare testing, global storage removal

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8 years ago

The most noticeable change of this version is the removal of global storage. Commanders are now the source of your initial metal and energy storage so losing them hurts a bit more (this gives it the CArankAdminShadowfury333 seal of approval). However, the pain shouldn't be too great because your economy should run with no storage, just with no ability to absorb fluctuations.

Part of the motivation of the storage change is consistency. There are no no global sources of storage and nothing is tied to any particular player. There is now no need for special rules about who, if anyone, gets extra storage in cases such as resigning allies, uneven teams and commshare. The storage just follows the owner of the commander. It should also make commanders a juicer target, which is nice.

Other notable contributions are from PLrankAdminSprung with various fixes and cleanups, AUrankAdminAquanim with the improved drone controls, @_Shaman with commshare and USrankaeonios with the improved halo selections widget.


  • Now have 500 storage to offset to lack of global storage.

  • LOS 440 -> 517. This matches the rule that most units with less than around 600 range should have LOS equal to 110% their maximum range.

Stinger and Lotus:
  • Lowered aim points, except when near a cliff. This makes them more vulnerable to ballistic units and in particular improves Hammer vs raised Stinger.

  • Improved skirmish AI to take its own velocity into account. Riots such as Warriors have a much harder time hitting it.

  • Slowbeam range 350 -> 450 to match the main gun. This is intended to help against heavy targets such as Dante. Of course, it helps against smaller units as well but there are many anti-small nerfs available to the unit.

  • Range 300 -> 325. This enables it to reliable target the ground.

  • Removed gun because it can't be trusted to not teamkill.
  • Powered by clockwork.

  • Reduced cratering by a factor of 10.

  • Reduced the number of nanoframes placable per second from infinity to 30.

Buffed new players against the Spider, Jump, Amphib and Ship factories. These factories are now open on the sides such that you can block the entire front and still extract your units. This will be applied to the other land factories, pending models.


Fixed command insert interaction with the construction of blocks of structures (lines, rectangles etc..). Command insert now adds blocks of structures as a chunk instead of potentially inserting them between many commands. The construction order of the block now matches the order of construction when command insert is not used.

Added commshare. In the default mode it can be access with a WIP interface using the hotkey 'h'. Players can merge and unmerge control throughout the game. The commshare modoption can also either enforce full commshare throughout the game or disable optional merge.

Improved drone controls.
  • Drones now hold fire if their carrier is set to hold fire.
  • Attack commands for the carrier are better at causing the drones to attack a particular target.
  • Drones respond to set target commands on their carrier in the same way they respond to attack commands.
  • Added a command for carriers to recall their drones.

Improved the blurry halo selections widget, as seen above. It should now run on more graphics cards and look better.

Tick, Roach, Skuttle and Blastwing are now detonated by manual fire (hotkey D) in addition to the usual method.

Improved Felon and Clam walk animations.


  • Fixed nonfunctional reserve truncation upon storage loss.
  • Fixed reserve display fighting when commsharing.
  • Fixed malfunctioning Brawler rear fan.
  • Windgen nanoframes can no longer be told to jump.
  • Fixed a button in the menu which would hide the map.
  • Fixed terraform cursor with F5 (hide UI).
  • Fixed new capture visual.
  • Fixed stockpile display missing from the menu.
  • Fixed cloak effect on so called 'advanced' models (.dae).
  • Fixed Doomsday Machine description to say that its heatray requires power.
+6 / -0

8 years ago
Also Wolverines should now spawn Claws when hitting units head-on.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Wait, so if I lose com i wont be able to build anything unless someone shares me a com?

Maybe at least give everyone 1 global storage do they can spend the metal they are recieving?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
You don't need storage to have income and spend resources.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I'm very happy to hear that commshare is implemented again. I look forward to using the feature soon.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
as well inteded the storage-to-com glue might be, i like my com and i like playing with it, also on frontline. nerfing it, i dont approve.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
I approve this storage-building-incentive
+5 / -0
I guess that we'll see more Storage facilities, Raven rushes, upgrading, Scythes and commnaps. And less commdrops and commanders at front. Not sure if I'll like it.

BTW what happens with the commanders built in the Strider Hub? Will they carry its 500 storage bonus?
And the double commander in the uneven battles? Will the player have 1000 storage?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
BTW what happens with the commanders built in the Strider Hub? Will they carry its 500 storage bonus?

Yes. You can now make 1000m-cost cloakable mobile storages.

And the double commander in the uneven battles? Will the player have 1000 storage?

Yes; and this was also the case formerly.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Ok, thank you for the info EErankAdminAnarchid
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I feel this is a great update, big thx to all contributors. Many questions though:

- can you please describe what happens when com dies: are there still metal/energy bars? Because these are "storage" for me.

- "Removed gun because it can't be trusted to not teamkill.
Powered by clockwork."

What does it mean? Moderator has no gun anymore? So what does it do? And what does "powered by clockwork" mean?

And I've never seen moderator teamkilling ! It has no AOE!

- "it can be access with a WIP interface using the hotkey 'h'. "

Isn't "H" used for sharing panel though?

- "Windgen nanoframes can no longer be told to jump."

Noo i've never noticed and never will now...!
+5 / -0
And I've never seen moderator teamkilling ! It has no AOE!

As far as ive got no idea what changing to modi herr means, i can totally confirm that it TKed a lot.

It was acting like a dumb bear:
"Minding my own business, lala, oh wait!, there is an enemy in range, i will realy slowly turn to face him! Oh no!, now allied unit is right between me and my target, but never mind though, i'll open fire anyway! Oh no!, I have killed my fellow Moderator, and because it takes two hundred years to reload my weapons, this Bandit will eat ne alive now!"

I hate using this unit.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Have tried the new comshare option (may be necessary to enable Chili share menu in widget list before)


I have noticed two bugs:

1) player list stops working
2) autogroup stops working

But otherwise it's a whole new game !!!
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Moderators did tk, but not particularly any more than, say, snipers or penetrators. I also don't see why removing its gun would magically prevent tk, and if it does is that not an engine issue?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I'm afraid GoogleFrog was being a bit obtuse. "Removed Moderator gun" means that the part of the model which represented the gun has been removed, not that the Moderator no longer has a weapon. The Moderator now shoots its disruptor from its head. "Powered by clockwork" means that it rotates its arms around to reload.
+5 / -0

8 years ago
What is commshare?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
command share. It's where you join another person's team and share resources and control of units.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
so commshare is a smaller communist mode?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It's not so much a mode as it is an option. A player can invite you to merge into their team, teams can merge with each other, and so on.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
+0 / -0
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