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11 years ago
how do i disable it?

it is posibly the most anoying bit in zk, there should be a tickbox or a command to shut it down
+0 / -0
11 years ago
From my tests, if you disable it you are marked was AFK and automatic "lose" your units to some teammate.

I would like i disable "button" that stop me from getting the unit if someone in my team goes afk.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
how do i disable it?

Don't play the lagmatches!
+0 / -0
no im more anoyed when im wating for my licho to finish and lag monitor gives away my crap and resets the build

i actualy made a macro that moves my screen a bit every 5 seconds to avoid the anti-afk, but its kinda meh...
+0 / -0
Make a widget that move your mouse very little every 1min?
Better one that turn on and off a random solar or something every 1min.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
fort it looks for mouse movment, if a widget just opens/closes a solar it will still se you as afk
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The Licho thing is a bug that was fixed at one point but unit transfer is something the engine likes to mess around with between versions.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I don't think it should be disablable. Mouse movement is a pretty accurate indicator of being afk.

Could be worth adding an onscreen warning when you are about to be marked AFK, so if fyou are there you can move the mouse
+0 / -0

11 years ago
What is also annoying is that it thinks you are afk if you do "/luaui disable" or if your whole luaui crashes.

Could the mouse movevent detection be moved to an unsynced gadget please?

There have been many situations when I lag out in critical moment and I try /luaui disable to catch up faster but instead it gives my units to nab allies who idle them or use the worst way possible.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i have to say, in some games...

i would prefer to lay with /luadisable just because its so much faster for me... but i can't and now with new engine i cant even play in main multiplayer lagfests
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Not to mention that unit transfer (+ indicators, which i find helpful otherwise) lags a ton by itself.
+0 / -0