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Luaui is disables, spams error on reload and does not reload

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Luaui is disables, spams error on reload and does not reload

full infolog at:

lines 736-762 pop up after typing
/luaui reload


dummy guide how to fix broken Lua Use Interface:

does your User Interface look like this?

if so try to reload the normal luaui when typing ingame in the chat:
/luaui reload

if nothing happens but you see some error spam in the chat, check you infolog.txt, which is, for windows users at your spring installation base folder (in my case E:\Spring_old\infolog.txt)

maybe you will find something like i found. my infolog is here: http://pastebin.com/Htr3xntd . look at the lines 736-762, which popped up after typing the reload command. in line 761 is says:

[f=0001217] Error: Lua LoadCode pcall error

0, luaui.lua, error

2, LuaUI/cawidgets.lua, error = 3, LuaUI/Configs/zk_keys.lua, [string "[color=red]LuaUI/Configs/zk_keys.lua[/color]"]:127:'}' expected (to close '{' at line 2) near '"Ctrl+Shift+f10"'

now open the file E:\Spring_old\LuaUI/Configs/zk_keys.lua (adapt to your spring installation path) and check the line which it says in the red part (here:line number 127)

my file looked like:

in comparison with the original installation file, line 127 is the keycode for video record.

so i exchanged the line to

{ "createvideo", "Ctrl+Shift+f10",},

and my zerok is back to normal:

a fresh installation might do the job too. the cause for this hillarious line change lies in the darkness, but with the corrupted syntax of the line, the luaui could not be loaded. if this occours to you on another line, you might ask someone for the correct correspondance, but be sure to keep the syntax of the file with all braces opening/closing and the commas at the right places, like you see from the other lines around.

HF and thx @[DOOP]fortaleza for his helping spirit

+0 / -0
11 years ago
I talk about "zk_keys.lua", so make a backup and delete the original one to see if it fix the problem (it could be corrupted or something)?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
thx @[DOOP]fortaleza ,i found the issue.

somehow the line

{ "createvideo", "Ctrl+Shift+f10",},

was replaced with the wrong syntax (and missing introducing "{" )


i have no idea how this happened, i did not have my hands on these files... :/
+0 / -0
Had this happen to another user. He didn't even know how to edit his zk keys and it caused a complete crash of all his lua. It was a different line to this one though.

This is a serious problem.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This looks like basic Lua debugging.

But eh, it makes no sense why ZK_Keys has these problems. Isn't it the same for everyone unless you customized it (and therefore you did it wrongly)?
+0 / -0
Thats what I thought but bluelizard has no idea how to customize his zk keys, I thought that was isolated, but this is twice now...

Zkkeys is meant to be user edited, right? It should be a little more robust...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It's not meant to be edited by beginners. The menu builds it when binding keys in game. I have no idea why the file became corrupt that way.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Did bluelizard have the same problem with his file? (ie. missing brackets)

It might be possible to build a zk_keys integrity checker widget. >.> (starts digging through file I/O for Lua)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
i did not edit the file at any time before this occured.

i have not a single customized key now and in the past.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I had the same problem a few days ago, except on top of that everyone's colour was the same (aqua). Like mojjj, I had not edited the file or customised any keys.

Fresh install fixed it for me. If it happens again I'll attempt this solution.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Three is a pattern. bluelizard was the same. He didn't even know how to edit his keys. Maybe the menu is randomly adding junk in?

He had two extra lines, one for binding [ and ] to shift [ and shift ] (wtf..) and then another line after that which was just a closed bracket...

If your lua crashes, it takes your teamcolours.lua with it, which uses the default colours, which are usually not set by most users (Though afair the default was black rather than teal).
+0 / -0
there is file backup checker in cawidget.lua. Currently only backup for ZK_order.lua and ZK_data.lua. Maybe will/should also backup for ZK_keys.lua?

good idea or not?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
USrankAdminCarRepairer, I told you about zk_keys.... I told you....

Things that work should stay that way.
+0 / -0
I quite like zk_keys, actually. It seems to work quite well overall, and it makes key remapping work as the user expects. There's probably just one last erroneous table call, but otherwise it's a useful user experience improvement.

That being said, a graceful fallback procedure for handling corrupt zk_keys would be a good idea.
+0 / -0