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Revert Elo changes

14 posts, 1700 views
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I would like to know my true elo. I don't care about any other possible hidden reason for hiding elo.

far as I know, this is the only game where your ranking is hidden from you. Its preposterous and idiotic. Enough is enough. hiding some numbers is not going to solve anything.

Raging still happening? check
Newbies getting raged at by vets? check
Smurfing still a issue? check
Sfireman still getting banned for trolling and abusive behavior check

If you want to solve issues in regards to people caring about winning and losing you need to turn this into hello kitty online where everything is casual and remove ranking for win/lose.

Ranking and wanting to improve drives people to be more active at something. We like to be proud of something..... give us back our ranking....let people be in awe and let others strive to be like others.

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11 years ago
deluxe player list is all you need
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Saying how stupid and useless they all are is not going to get you far with he devs...
+0 / -0
prince insulted the "hiding" part, not developers. Oi and I agree.
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11 years ago
far as I know, this is the only game where your ranking is hidden from you.

Dota 2 has 300k players on any given night. They have no public ranking system.
+0 / -0
You are referring mainly to team games so I don't agree with you. Team elo should be hidden because it doesn't describe your skill good enough. On the other hand 1vs1 elo should be visible for everyone.
+0 / -0
Wrong Vist. "Team" (it's "all" in reality) elo describes skill just as well as 1v1 elo does. It uses the same calculations. (except it includes 1v1 elo, which it shouldn't)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
cause dota 2 has no real ranking system. Other than 3 tiers which you can see in which one you are playing.
I agree with princereaper. But lets just continue the team-elo is no good elo discussion.....
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Your true rating in Starcraft 2 (MMR) is hidden.

Wrong Vist. "Team" (it's "all" in reality) elo describes skill just as well as 1v1 elo does. It uses the same calculations. (except it includes 1v1 elo, which it shouldn't)


It describes your ability to win a certain type of game. Different types of games require things differently to win. Therefore, does it really describe the same thing?
+0 / -0
D'oh! I didn't say it describes the same thing. All it does is describe a player's ability at dealing with tasks under specific rules.

What I said was that team elo was just as accurate at describing a player's skill at team games as 1v1 elo was for 1v1 games. Of course there's the condition that a player needs to have played enough games for this to be true.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I took this numbers from void but..:
1vs1 elo: after 15 games your skill is measured with high precision
team game elo: after 500 games your skill is measured with medium precision.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That's only true if teamgames are super zomg mega wut big, luckily there's a limit at 19v19, so it only needs 285 games. Take into account that most games are smaller, some even around 3v3 and that number should go down to 100.
+0 / -0
slightly below 1700. i can see the actual value, but i dont dare to tell. because CZrankAdminLicho once told me he dont like the police.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
give us back our ranking....let people be in awe and let others strive to be like others

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