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Zero-K v1.1.7.0 - Air Update

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11 years ago
The main aim of this update is to fix planes (although this can't be done all at once). Bombers are a bit slower and the area attack bombers have been nerfed. Shadow is lighter all around and must now dive to attack if it wishes to have any chance to hit mobile units. Diving has the tradeoff of exposing the bomber to ground weaponry. Fighter battles should be more controllable with reduced fighter damage and the addition of an ability for Avenger.

Two new units have been added. Trident should even up the battlefield between planes and gunships while Funnelweb is a Jugglenaut replacement with more abilities.

Lastly shield penetration of Flamethrowers and Gauss has been removed. This is to normalise the power of shields and aid in their balance.

New Units

Trident - We finally have an AA gunship. This slow gunship missile spewing gunship should allow the gunship factory to stand up to planes.

Funnelweb - A replacement of the Jugglenaut with less cost and more abilities. In addition to the Jugglenaut abilities this unit has a fixed Gauss Gun, a shield with a large battery and spawns attack drones.

Air Balance

  • Cost 450 -> 300
  • CruiseAlt 200 -> 220
  • Health 1200 -> 800
  • Speed 8.8 -> 7.6
  • Damage 1200 -> 800
  • Messed with projectile, now it is very easy to avoid if shot from high up.
  • Reduced dive height.
  • By default Shadow will dive attack against mobile ground units.
The intention is to reduce some 1000 range HP hardcounters, increase possibility
of attrition and add some interaction with mobile units. Accurate ground units
(eg riots or raiders) can act as a deterrent for Shadow strikes on mobiles.

  • Cost 320 -> 400
  • Health 660 -> 700
  • Speed 10 -> 8
  • Burn time reduced to by 33%

  • Cost 600 -> 700
  • Speed 10 -> 9

  • Speed 9.5 -> 7,8
  • Damage reduced by 19%

  • Health 350 -> 400
  • Missile Damage 220 -> 150
  • Added 5x speed boost special ability

  • Damage 400 -> 600
  • Health 300 -> 350

AA Nerfs

We aim to reduce the hardcounter relationships between air and AA so here are some preemptive nerfs to AA which was particularly good against bombers.

  • DPS reduced 5%

  • Cost 300 -> 380

Shield Penetration

Flamethrowers and Gauss Guns no longer penetrate shields. These hardcounters were just a crutch holding back shield balance which works for all factories.

Takeover Mode

Ivica in in the process of adding a gamemode in which players can capture additional units via point control. It is currently in development but is still playable in this stable. Full details are here: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/5167


  • Added more visibility settings for commands. These are found in Settings/Interface/Command Visibility.
  • Unified F4 hotkey to show economy. F4 now shows overdrive grid, metal spots, geovents, and highlights reclaim.


  • Fixed metalconfigs for Brazillian_Battlefield_Remake_V2, Altored_Arctic
  • Reduced the value of megamexes in Aberdeen6v6_Fix, now worth 2.2
+1 / -0
Nice update, Funnel is cool, i just dont like that gause dont penetrate shields.

There is no reason (ok, one but it is better to place razor kiss) to build that turret now, it should be upgraded or refined.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Even without testing them, my bet is that planes were over-nerfed. Just because this is what the last six years of patching were all about. Numbers prove it anyway: Shadow less than 50% efficiency, Vamp too.

Does Phoenix' reduced burn time decrease overall-damage, or does it mean it deals full burn damage in a shorter time?
* Burn time reduced to by 33%
And was it reduced TO or BY 33%?

Yay for the two interface updates! \o/
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Could be overnerfed, I want to see what happens. Shadow lost stats in proportion but it is hard to judge by eye because it's cost decreased. This has to be kept in mind.

Being-on-fire damage is equal for all units so a reduction in burn time is a reduction in overall damage.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I really like the direction of changes to planes.

Hopefully one day the sea will get balanced too :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Actually about a month ago I was looking at sea balance but then Sak compared my plans to the air balance at the time. As air occurs in every game I stopped thinking about sea and looked at air.

Air will still need work but I could now look at sea. Sea is a safe thing to change because if the worst occurs people can simply avoid it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Nah, with terraform you can never avoid sea! The worst that could happen is people terraforming mountain maps to go ships because of how OP they are! :)
+0 / -0

Release notes are okay. I just failed to notice what I was looking for.
+0 / -0
Release notes can be edited, Ivica! Just tell an admin what you want them to say.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Thank you for this nice update. As GoogleFrog says, sometimes it is good to make substantial changes and see what happens. Just one question: is the diving behaviour of shadow controlled by a switch that I did not notice until now?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Yea, it's been there for a long time, Connetable. Just check unit states, you'll find it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
From page/this post I thought v1.1.7.0 is latest version but log into lobby and there is already newer being played? (olders too)


Flamethrowers and Gauss Guns no longer penetrate shields. These hardcounters were just a crutch holding back shield balance which works for all factories.
Did not feel like a crutch to me, in a RTS/scifi trope way it kinda made sense. I enjoyed quickly throwing down popup gauss turrets vs shieldspam. IMO could rather have been expanded on (make all beamlasers penetrate shields or something)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Shadows a bit to nerfed imo, regarding the bombing speed and the bomb speed when falling.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
YYyyeesssss!!!! The Gnat was de-nerfed!

All hail the OPness! Let the comnaps begin!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
FUNnelweb napped in 23 gnats. :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago

+0 / -0

11 years ago
Interesting changes. I wonder if we'll see more Licho bombers this way, as most of the other units in the fac got nerfed.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
IMO Very good update, maybe now stilettos won't be such a pain. Only the Gauss turret seem to be completely useless right now.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
With v1.1.7.4 I've improved Shadow behaviour. It moves faster when diving and should be more reliable.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Very nice update. I think it is too early to tell whether or not these changes will endure, but considering how air and sea are somewhat unbalanced, it is necessary to make drastic changes and try out every possible path before commiting oneself to a single direction.

Two weeks of play and the devs will be able to tell whether they had it right or not.
+0 / -0
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