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13 years ago
I founded some months ago (one type) of commander war.
I played it with some people and got a positive feedback.
1. No factories and athenas (--> no moveable units exept commander)
2. Everything else is permitted (morph, rescue, Big long range defence, eco....)

I like it really and i think it is good and gives a fantastic variety to the game also as new intresting strategy opportunities.
Cause of that i wanted to ask if we (Licho;) could make a new option setting like the "King of the Hill" setting. In this cannot anyone break the rules...

PLEASE think about! And put it into the next new version of zk.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
make a annihilator to deny every com moving in - enven long range coms ( + radar )

make a bemoth to counter it

make a bertha to counter bemoths

make shields to counter berthas and go porcy - or make nukes :)

let's tacnuke everything :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
? First: building annis costs a lot of matel and time,
Second: e.g. cloaked coms with dgun? :P
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Dgun or better to say dgun made in china, which cant even dgun hlt isint a dgun. To porc till anihilator much much time is needed. I think it is rather easy to create such battle by banining all moving things? I mean no any coding is needed.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ban all factories and athena works.
Not sure if banning the jammer bot will prevent cloak tower from morphing into it. (which is useful as a scout)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
In springlobby you can set a list of banned units that are then unbuildable ingame.

Perhaps this feature should be added to zklobby so you can do whatever configuration you want pretty easily.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Can we ban morphs too - that would be nice :)

Aspis is cheaper than Eraser - if you want a scout you maybe don't want to pay 700 metal for each scout.

What's about rez coms who rez enemy commanders => should it be possible?

And should we enable mines in the build menu?
+0 / -0