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Zero-K v1.1.12.0

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11 years ago
This update includes a slight nerf to the Vehicle factory and some fairly dramatic changes to Jumpbots. Behind the scenes we are working on compatibility with the latest development versions of the engine.

Experimental Freaker change:
  • Cost 240 -> 160
  • BP 7.5 -> 5
  • Health 650 -> 550
  • Speed 2.25 -> 2.1
  • Armed with a Slowbeam which has about 1/2 the range and 1/4 the DPS of Moderator.

The Placeholder is now buildable from the Jumpbot Factory. It is a support unit designed to suck opposing units into a clump and prevent them from escaping. Once some units are stuck they can be destroyed by the many short range AoE or face-melting weapons at the Jump Factory's disposal.

  • Speed 2.95 -> 2.9
  • Projectile Speed 230 -> 215 (Thug is 200 for comparision).

  • Cost 140 -> 150
  • Damage 45 -> 40

  • Post-capture reload 8s -> 12s

Gauss Turret and Scrubber projectiles can only damage each unit they pass through once. Other Gauss projectiles will gain this behaviour when we move to the new engine because it is difficult to implement in 91.0.

Air transports have gained the ability to eject their cargo mid flight.

Kodachi projectile is now ballistic instead of a missile. Kodachi and Firewalker projectiles have new effects.

Damage dealt by flying debris has changed. The amount of debris from a Blastwing explosion has been tweaked to compensate.

The stop command no longer cancels Newton firezones. There is a dedicated command for this purpose.

Polish unit descriptions have been added for many units.
+11 / -0
11 years ago
Honk, first!

Bye bye vehfac. Hi jumpfac.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
The jumpfac changes are exciting, I'll be playing with those for a while. The Slasher nerf is a bit disappointing - I was hoping for a more role-oriented tweaking of the unit (speed or deployment-time or range or something) rather than simply a straight power-nerf.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
* Armed with a Slowbeam which has about 1/2 the range and 1/4 the DPS of Moderator.

The Placeholder is now buildable

Air transports have gained the ability to eject their cargo mid flight.

Looks like we will have a SCIENCE! christmas
+8 / -0

11 years ago
I already discovered the first funny thing you can do with Placeholder before release.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The Placeholder

+2 / -0
11 years ago
hmm...funny thing?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Thank you all dev for this release. Dropping units sounds cool.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Wow good job with the firezones, thx that you finally fixed it. Regarding the vindicator+ valk cargo drop is PERFECT or PUREFECTION:D

For the future update i have found out why newton widget gives 1/2 less impulse. Its just not setup to constantly attack the unit who walked in the box area until newtons run out of range and switch to other target.

I tested it and its true, with manual attack you gain 2X impulse while with automatic widget impulse is weaker
+0 / -0
I think a 17% nerf to Slashers is a bit too much. I think they are very sensitive to raw power nerfs as Raiders typically counter them in mass and now you need about 17% less cost in raiders to counter them if they are intended to be anti-raider as Saktoth have said.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
Perhaps it is too much. This is for testing.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'd like to see a Blastwing rush tested against LV on Intersection. I managed to hold off one using Crashers, Slashers, and Defenders (Slashers were already the weakest part of that), but it was tough. I probably missed something I could have done, but I'd still like to see how it plays out now.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Balance rolling to hell with each release.
+0 / -7
They're not intended to be anti-raider. But they were serving that role in the factory, when Leveler is consistently under-performing against bandit and up (Which it cannot 1-shot) on open terrain where it can be surrounded (Precisely the kind of terrain Vehicles are used on).

Jumpfac is still not going to be start viable in 1v1. There is only an incredibly narrow window where you can take advantage of the placeholder. You can do ridiculous damage with it, but it requires high cost combos like Sumos and Jacks, you can't really use it early on in a combo with Pyros. The factory also still needs a skirmisher to counter Zeus. The new freaker slow beam can outrange it, but the margin is tiny and skirm AI is not set up: Fight orders on cons also reclaim/repair, too. A rogue like unit would combo great with slow (allowing the projectile to hit more easily and making kiting easier) but I am not sure how the placeholder would work, it's as likely to shift the unit out of the way as to hold it still for the shot.

Since the Freaker has slow, a disruptor on the Moderator might be worthwhile.

It's a shame that the Placeholder had to use my model for the Jump Riot unit. I guess I'll have to find more models!
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Why if u try to drop tick, it will instantly explode? Is it bug or feature?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Why if u try to drop tick, it will instantly explode? Is it bug or feature?

is it falling damage, which is higher than tick's hp so it explode?
+1 / -0
No. It don't fall and explode. You press D and it immediately explode. It don't fall down. So if u drop a tick, you just stun ur transport.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Okay, it is bug. Tick might have exploded because it is soo tiny it is transported inside the transport. So when it is released, it collide inside and boom!

This is fixable. Will just move really tiny item (like tick) outside the transport abit before releasing it.
+2 / -0
However, it doesn't happen with roaches.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
RUrankbanana_Ai IMO tick is tinier. Sometime we can't even unload tick from Vindicator because it doesn't touch the ground.
+0 / -0
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