it got a very long loading time pathcache takes about 5 minutes to load in 91 it works very good . how can i fix it ?
+1 / -0
Whenever you use a new engine for the first time it takes ages to load because of the pathcache. This is a one-off thing though, and you will be able to load the game quite quickly after the first time.
+1 / -0
This only happens once per map, is known, and is being investigated atm.
+0 / -0
quote: This only happens once per map |
Are you sure? I have only ever had really long load times the very first time I use a new engine, not once per map.
+0 / -0
Yea when i first started 96 it lagged for the first few minutes and then ran smooth
+0 / -0
96 bugs: Newton doesnt work or has like 90% less impulse and bd acts weird, move to a target to attack it even if its in range...and Airpad from plane factory doesnt work, or sometimes works. Some units from time to time stay in air while waiting for repairs thus making you not able to use them at all.(i mean air forever even if repair slot is free)
+2 / -0
Also... big maps DO NOT LOAD ON 96, if they DO load, I will be the only person to be connected
+1 / -0
pathcaches are per engine and per game and per map. They tell units where they can go: Why this is different per map should should be obvious. But game and engine can also change pathfinder. So unless you have played this exact map with this exact game version with this exact engine version, it has to generate new pathcaches which can take somewhat long. of course there might also be bug if you want to help fix bug you must give more details. (does it happen on all maps, try other games, also exact time and not estimate like "hm, felt like 10 minutes")
+1 / -0
not sure what t is just saying it crashes many people lkes one game 2/5 crashed at start . when i alt tab out during loading or click while it starts it crashes no idea why it has such a huge loadout since in 91 its done in 3 seconds not 5 minutes :o
+0 / -0
  Forever quote: Newton doesnt work or has like 90% less impulse |
I think its because in Spring 95 onward you have an airdrag. Faster & bigger unit & longer flight will experience more airdrag, while heavier & smaller unit & shorter flight mean less airdrag. Luckily Newton-Firezone widget also able to estimate this effect (with sophisticated math), so when you Newton-ed your unit you will still able to predict your landing position. P/s: short distance Newton will behave exactly like Spring 91, while super long range Newton will be effected by airdrag.
+0 / -0
Exact time was about 3 minutes, and when I finally connected only 4 of us were in out of 20. And no, it's only for large maps that the pathcache takes so long (I forgot the name of the map, but it was something like 24x8)
+0 / -0
I hate to wait 3 min to connect to a game then to see that my commander ploped in corner of map and i have to go...air to vindicator my com cause its stuck. And WHYYYY "Newton will be effected by airdrag" thats not fair:(. Hours and hours of newton technology wasted because of engine, now i have to research new things:(.
+0 / -0
But,,,But they are newtons, special turrents ment to make things fly:D. Why are they called newtons annyway? now they are usless. And its not just about the airdrag, newtons simply dont attack normal ground units like it did previously.
+0 / -0
Ground drag or something? I've noticed it takes no less than five archers to nudge a single panther recently.
+0 / -0
For loadtime problems do the things in this thread: is always an engine change which breaks the calibration of our impulse mechanics. A lot of things are related to impulse. I'll have to change the numbers sometime.
+0 / -0
Yeah, I'd noticed when I was doing my Panther experiments that levelers don't seem to knock things around much. The impulse change is definitely further-reaching than just the newtons.
+0 / -0
Gosh darnit u guys PathCahche and Pathcosts are different things its a bug.!!
+0 / -0
Mi problems with the new engine are longer loading times, especially when loading pathcache, but this is not really bad, only 1- 2 min. I just want to mention it, becausre many of you seem to have this problem too. The big deals are crashes that occure all 5 - 10 mins when playing, and 1 -2 times per hour when watching. Perhaps someone can help me, i uploaded the spring infolog to
+0 / -0
  modschi: translated: spring.exe 0x00704AB1 /opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.8.1/include/c++/bits/stl_vector.h:646 spring.exe 0x00709790 rts/Rendering/UnitDrawerState.cpp:101 also: [f=0005427] Error: This stack trace indicates a problem with your graphic card driver. Please try upgrading or downgrading it. Specifically recommended is the latest driver, and one that is as old as your graphic card. Make sure to use a driver removal utility, before installing other drivers. same crash as reported here:
+1 / -0