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Base map pack

6 posts, 747 views
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10 years ago
What do you think about some base map pack, that would be downloaded with zero-k as game? The whole game would require 400Mb to download, and it will contain, lets say, 10 most used maps. Admins could easily find them out from replays, or simply make a vote about it. Every player, entering game would then have those 10 maps, so then they would not have to download every game they wanna play and others do not have to wait 10 minutes, they just vote some base map.
+5 / -0
I think this will have to be done sooner or later, must-have in the event of a steam release. EvoRTS switched after steam release to preloading a good deal of content including 10 commonly played maps.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Well, for one all maps used in SP could be downloaded. Top maps are listed on the right side of http://zero-k.info/Maps

This was planned for the Steam release as far as I know.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Is it reasonable to inculde all featured maps in the download? (I mean: how much GB is that?)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
It's probably not unreasonable, given modern expectations, we just need to ensure that new featured maps get preloaded as well, I guess.
+0 / -0
As far as I know admins can check the number of featured maps by setting the "Featured order" to a very high number (eg 9001), it then resets to the lowest free integer value. Would be nice if someone could do that and tell us, I'm curious. I think the last time I checked it was somewhere between 150 and 200.

To find out the size of all featured maps, just multiply the number with the average map size. I have 700 maps in my folder with a total of 11.2GB, so the average is 16MB.
+1 / -0