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Re-balance request: air/AA

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- buff tarantula, at this moment it costs 400m and is unable to counter single shadow: drop price by 50 metal, or increase rate of fire by 10-15%
- buff hacksaw: I'd suggest to make it slightly cheaper, 360-370 metal.
- planes scout, vulture, does not have a clearly defined role now, I think it needs something new, suggestion:
price 800 metal, HP 2000, speed acceleration 2x with d-gun
So it gets a new clear role - heavy scout with increased range and an ability to see underwater units, suitable for later-game stages, being able to pass through heavy porc lines. Possibly even give it an ability to see part of the enemy base after death for short amount of time(30 secs)

Also something should be done with gunships rapiers, they do not have a clear role now either... Nobody seems to use them now. They are expensive and pretty useless for their price
+4 / -0

10 years ago
So by "re-balance" you mean "tweak".

Tarantula has the longest range and is a spider but pays for it with very poor DPS/Cost. I'd prefer a range buff or price drop to a direct DPS buff.

The question with Hacksaw is whether it is good for the unit to exist. I don't think we need Hacksaw. I would try re-introducing it with less range if there was some way to make it less bait-able.

Vulture has a lot more coverage than a Swift scout and provides a lot of radar which can be useful on the front. Several boosted Swifts will always be good for lategame scouting so I think the focus of Vulture should be to provide intel on areas without necessarily making a suicide run. For this it would need more HP and speed. But I don't think it needs much more.

Rapiers are messy. They are trying to be flex AA while not becoming OP against ground. This sounds impossible.
+5 / -1

10 years ago
some way to make it less bait-able.

Dauntless guidance? More shots?
+0 / -0
I almost never see vultures used and personally I'd never use current vulture., it's fragile, costly and defenseless and have really very limited role...
avengers almost always better, they can make some damage and fight in air, they can run away when needed and provides the same scouting but less powerful.
So to make vulture really useful something should be buffed

btw... phoenixes are now pretty useless too, can't even kill single defender or mex
+0 / -0
Tarantula has the longest range and is a spider but pays for it with very poor DPS/Cost

What is the advantege of being all-terrain against planes again?

Yes, Tarantula has advantage vs ground units with its all-terrainess(?), but it shoudln't pay for it with its AA DPS because planes simply don't give a shit if it's all terrain AA or not.

I'd like to add, that 5 Vandals (400 metal) can't kill a Shadow (Raven) even if it enters the range, covers whole way to the Vandals, drops bomb, makes 180 turn and gets back to the point it entered the range.

so I think the focus of Vulture should be to provide intel on areas without necessarily making a suicide run

That's what radar (55m) is for. No need to spend 320(?)m on Vulture to get the same effect, but even more fragile (enemy AA usually covers your part of the front).
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Imo Vulture is confused and unnecessary. Rather than trying to save it by some bolt-on buffs, might be best to remove it completely.

+3 / -0

10 years ago
I kinda agree completely. I think Tarantula is very useless as a air unit. It has decent range but the dps is a laughing matter. Maybe turn it into a mini chainsaw type unit.

I agree with vulture change, only good use i ever seen for it is its ability to detect underwater units.

I think maybe turning the hacksaw into a "air mine" type of weapon would be cool. Basically when a air unit goes into its range, it shoots out loads of "rounds" into the sky, which then explode, making a "explosion" in the sky.

Gunships are great for thier high dps. Black dawn still cool, and well krow is the most badarse unit in the game.
+2 / -0
GBrankprincereaper, I've mentioned it before somewhere. BD and Krow are the only usefull GSes, but they are used like bombers. You take a BD, put it on hold-fire, move it to the enemy base, drop the load and run, loop it. Same with Krow with a little exception that Krow has 17k Hp and can withstand some AA so it may do some general damage with its lazors. Anyway, it looks quite simmilar to bombers, doesnt it?

And once again Im saying, in my opinion GSes should be to planes what HVs are to LVs. They should have from 2 to 3 times more HP/cost (depending on particular gunship) than planes, becasue they (GSes) have to spend much more time over the enemy AA to do the same damage, and are much slower.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
yea I agree, would be nice to try
1200+ metal BD and brawler with doubled HP
+0 / -0

10 years ago
re: Vulture it could have some interesting recon ability with D-gun. e.g. replace radar with a D-gun radar ping with bigger range. Or a scan ability which gave a huge LoS for a few seconds.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
or D-gun cloak for safe scouting.
+2 / -0
Imo Vulture is confused and unnecessary. Rather than trying to save it by some bolt-on buffs, might be best to remove it completely.

I would be ok with this but only if shadows got sonars so they can bomb subs on their own.

a scan ability which gave a huge LoS for a few seconds.

The problem is that it takes a while to to notice everything in a large area revealed by a scan. I can see people pausing the game just to take a better look at a revealed area.

cloak for safe scouting.

This does sound good and interesting. Personally i just approve of any idea that makes fighters more relevant compared to land-based AA.

Make the cloak only last 4-5 seconds, so it can get through enemy frontline AA and then freely explore the enemy territory, unless intercepted with fighters. Would still need a HP buff seeing how it would need to be able to sustain defender fire when fulfilling its new role.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Move the Vulture to the Gunship lab and let it cloak but with a huge decloak-radius. Basically, a cut-price non-building Athena. Or ZK's answer to the Observer.

Heck, you could even bring back the old Owl model for that.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Decloak is spherical. Vulture would likely be absolutely undetectable when cloaked due to its altitude.

I think that's also the reason why we have no cloakable armed air units.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Like I said, would work better on a gunship. Low-flying gunships work far better than low-flying planes.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Re hacksaw and burst AA:
Implement anti-bait logic. Hacksaws ignore non-bombers when set to anti-bait mode. I believe I have done some of this, I could rewrite a new gadget if you want.

Some sort of specs / use cases would be appreciated or I'm just going to build the anti-bait logic of AA micro.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Again, my ideal anti-bait wupget:

Replace the never-used "return fire" middle firestate with "discriminate". Discriminate just means "Do not fire on BadTargetCategory targets unless explicitly ordered to do so".

This becomes useful to Penetrators, Hacksaws, Scalpels, Felons, etc.

Then players can control it. Want your Hacksaw to pick off fighters and drones? Switch it to "fire at will". Don't? Leave it on "discriminate".
+0 / -0
Don't replace, just add anotehr (4th) state, which could be 4 blue strips(?). I do use return fire sometimes instead of hold fire, with cloaky or high alpha units when I have many of them to micro. I prefer return fire, so the unit may try defending itself, if I dont notice its attacked, rather than standing idle and dying to singel flea.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I'm not sure if it would be possible to intercept a state toggle and get it to display as the 2 yellow bars that return fire is like.
A completely separate state toggle ala No Fire At Radar Dots is easy enough, and a completely general solution should be possible
(ie. can be applied to all units, not sure what you might want it for, but I suppose you could add razors and solars to BadCats for artillery or something)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Razors, Halberds and Dirtbags for Felons/Penetrators were what I had in mind.

[TROLL]sfailman is right, return fire isn't the right place - but probably extending the No Fire at Radar Dots toggle is the right thing rather than adding yet-another-toggle.
+0 / -0
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