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Forum categories (definitely never discussed before)

7 posts, 479 views
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It would be nice to have the following forum categories added:
Unit balance - Discuss whether a unit is UP/OP etc
Feature request - Request features

That way we could quickly review features/balance discussions that have already occurred, get an idea of whats been talked about, and avoid repitition (its not like this thread has appeared before). At moment its a pain to look over anything posted more than a few days ago. It would also clean up the messy General Discussion forum a bit.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
Threads of of these two topics probably should fall under Development rather than General Discussion. Unit balance topics seem to end up randomly between General and Dev. I can see how "Development" sounds too technical for some people so they are not sure where to put it. Maybe your idea would remove any doubts, although I might lean toward "Game Balance" as the name to account for any balance suggestions that might not be unit-related, such as overdrive etc.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
I have no idea what the categories are for. I just click on the little forums window on the right side of the homepage until I run out of threads.
+4 / -0
10 years ago
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog I assume that was rhetorical, but categories allow you to easily review previous discussion on a particular topic, or to limit the forum posts you like to view based on topic.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
...especially when the search function by google on the site is rather poor to find what you are looking for.

also: plz add the google search category "battles", and maybe a filter (like "last 2 weeks only") would be nice too...
+0 / -0
10 years ago
For battles: a filter "has a gif by mojjj" should be useful.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
Yeah, the only categories that make sense to me are the ones where the discussion is attached to site objects like news / maps / battles / etc.

Taxonomies stink, I'm not even sure of the value of having a separate "strategy" forum. Even "development" isn't terribly distinct (it could be if it was restricted access or something).
+0 / -0