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Automation tools

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/28/2015 5:26:27 AMUSrankBeamer before revert after revert
7/28/2015 5:16:55 AMUSrankBeamer before revert after revert
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1 When someone thinks of an RTS game, there are certain traits that come to mind when wanting to improve. These include APM, scouting, expanding, micro, game sense, etc. Zero-K is the only game I can think of where coding is a valid route to improvement. This is not a bad thing in itself, but it is a very foreign concept to most gamers, and it will turn many players off. 1 When someone thinks of an RTS game, there are certain traits that come to mind when wanting to improve. These include APM, scouting, expanding, micro, game sense, etc. Zero-K is the only game I can think of where coding is a valid route to improvement ( not actually true, see: Robocode) . This is not a bad thing in itself, but it is a very foreign concept to most gamers, and it will turn many players off.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I would argue that automation, and thereby reducing the number of points of skill, results in less choices along with less clicking. Each click is a choice, and the player must handle the hidden resource of time. With less automation, there are more choices to the player regarding where to spend their time. With automation, the player has fewer things to worry about, fewer things that demand their attention, and therefore, fewer "choices" to make with regard to their time. The remaining choices are relatively high-level and hopefully more interesting, and the player can focus on these choices more thanks to automation. 3 I would argue that automation, and thereby reducing the number of points of skill, results in less choices along with less clicking. Each click is a choice, and the player must handle the hidden resource of time. With less automation, there are more choices to the player regarding where to spend their time. With automation, the player has fewer things to worry about, fewer things that demand their attention, and therefore, fewer "choices" to make with regard to their time. The remaining choices are relatively high-level and hopefully more interesting, and the player can focus on these choices more thanks to automation.