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Zero-K v1.5.1.5 - Commshare testing, global storage removal

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/17/2017 8:55:41 PMCHrankConnetable before revert after revert
Before After
1 The remark is interesting. 1 The remark is interesting.
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3 You say that global effective apm is higher in comshare mode than in normal mode because in normal mode, a fraction of the effective apm is wasted as the controllable units have a lower APM requirements than the available APM. 3 You say that global effective apm is higher in comshare mode than in normal mode because in normal mode, a fraction of the potential apm is left unused as the controllable units have a lower APM requirements than the available APM.
4 \n 4 \n
5 Sorry, but it is very rare in a ZK game that I feel I have some spare time and spare APM that I could have spent on other units if I could. ON the contrary, I am about 100% APM all the time. 5 Sorry, but it is very rare in a ZK game that I feel I have some spare time and spare APM that I could have spent on other units if I could. ON the contrary, I am about 100% APM all the time.