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Zero-K v1.5.1.5 - Commshare testing, global storage removal

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/23/2017 8:14:20 PMUSrankaeonios before revert after revert
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1 Commshare breaks all kinds of widgets, since most of them assume that your teamID never changes. Dealing with comshare is actually even more complicated than that, because if you merge into another team then no callins are produced for all of the units you inherit, and UnitGiven _is_ called for all the units that you previously owned, leading to some units being missed and others being double counted. Also new unit states will inevitably conflict with other people's settings which can cause unpredictable results, and other widgets which have settings that can conflict will produce similar conflicts as well. 1 Commshare breaks all kinds of widgets, since most of them assume that your teamID never changes. Dealing with comshare is actually even more complicated than that, because if you merge into another team then no callins are produced for all of the units you inherit, and UnitGiven _is_ called for all the units that you previously owned, leading to some units being missed and others being double counted. Also new unit states will inevitably conflict with other people's settings which can cause unpredictable results, and other widgets which have settings that can conflict will produce similar conflicts as well.
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3 Unmerging causes similar conflicts in the reverse direction. Widgets may continue counting units that you no longer own, and will then triple count units you get back. Merging and unmerging repeatedly is an easy way to break everything beyond recognition.