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I miss building multiple factories

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Date Editor Before After
7/20/2019 11:18:07 AMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
7/20/2019 7:17:26 AMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
Before After
1 Here is a radical third option, just teach the game through widgets: 1 Here is a radical third option, just teach the game through widgets:
2 * Factories cost 800 metal. In fact, the entire game is the same mechanically. 2 * Factories cost 800 metal. In fact, the entire game is the same mechanically.
3 * When placing a factory, the duplicates of that factory than you own have a circle of radius 450 drawn around them. A line is drawn between the cursor and closest duplicate. 3 * When placing a factory, the duplicates of that factory than you own have a circle of radius 450 drawn around them. A line is drawn between the cursor and closest duplicate.
4 * When placing a factory, if the cursor is within 450 elmos of a duplicate then then active command is set to "build Caretaker". Moving the cursor away from a duplicate turns the command back into "construct factory". 4 * When placing a factory, if the cursor is within 450 elmos of a duplicate then the active command is set to "build Caretaker". Moving the cursor away from a duplicate turns the command back into "construct factory".
5 * Note that Caretakers have 500 build range. 5 * Note that Caretakers have 500 build range.
6 * Profit. 6 * Profit.
7 \n
8 Edit: Also... unlock Caretaker in mission 0.