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Super weapons \ nukes

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/7/2019 9:34:03 AMROrankForever before revert after revert
Before After
1 Starlight: 1 Starlight:
2 Give the location where the laser hits line of sight (eye of Sauron as per @GoogleFrog 's expression) 2 Give the location where the laser hits line of sight (eye of Sauron as per @GoogleFrog 's expression)
3 Reduce the terraforming damage it does to 50-60%. 3 Reduce the terraforming damage it does to 50-60%.
4 Don't change anything else to it because it's dedicated for tearing down strong units and shields 4 Don't change anything else to it because it's dedicated for tearing down strong units and shields
5 \n 5 \n
6 Zenith: 6 Zenith:
7 Increase the metal cost to build it since team game players with low ELO rush all game this structure and brakes the ELO balance. 7 Increase the metal cost to build it since team game players with low ELO rush all game this structure and brakes the ELO balance.
8 Let it have the same damage it has right now but make it less effective against shields for example like 60-70% less damage against shields. 8 Let it have the same damage it has right now but make it less effective against shields for example like 60-70% less damage against shields.
9 \n 9 \n
10 Disco: 10 Disco:
11 Don't change anything to this structure right now only maybe reduce the damage it gives to shields to 30-40%. 11 Don't change anything to this structure right now, just the damage it gives to shields to 30-40%.
12 \n 12 \n
13 This combination of changes will make: 13 This combination of changes will make:
14 Starlight a dedicated anti defence/shields and strong against heavy units but weak against terraform 14 Starlight a dedicated anti-defense/shields and strong against heavy units but weak against terraform
15 Zenith a dedicated anti-base/expansion killer that works well on location without any kind of shield protection 15 Zenith a dedicated anti-base/expansion killer that works well on location without any kind of shield protection
16 Disco just a combination of both but in comparison to Zenith, it has constant attack and has bigger AOE. 16 Disco just a combination of both but in comparison to Zenith, it has constant attack and has bigger AOE.
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