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Super weapons \ nukes

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/7/2019 2:29:04 PMUSrankCrazyEddie before revert after revert
8/7/2019 2:27:18 PMUSrankCrazyEddie before revert after revert
Before After
1 Anarchid - I wouldn't use that track as it is, because as it is it's very recognizable as a thunderclap. Bits and pieces of it sampled and remixed might work. 1 Anarchid - I wouldn't use that track as it is, because as it is it's very recognizable as a thunderclap. Bits and pieces of it sampled and remixed might work.
2 \n 2 \n
3 A better use for it might be using some samples from it as added rumble underneath the constant buzz of the cutting beam. 3 A better use for it might be using some samples from it as added rumble underneath the constant buzz of the cutting beam. . . . although the buzz itself is basically fine, it just needs more bass in the buzz, and adding rumble probably wouldn't feel right. Just my speculation; hard to judge without actually sitting down and playing with the sounds in audacity.