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Super weapons \ nukes

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/8/2019 1:59:21 PMEErankAdminAnarchid before revert after revert
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1 [quote]- Make them not able to ressurect. [/quote] 1 [quote]- Make them not able to ressurect. [/quote]
2 This road leads to resurrect being removed altogether, i think. 2 This road leads to resurrect being removed altogether, i think.
3 \n 3 \n
4 But even making it strictly commander-only would be great, few things irk me as much as killing some precious enemy asset only to see it pop back up in a few minutes because the enemy has 10 athenas. 4 But even making it strictly commander-only would be great, few things irk me as much as killing some precious enemy asset only to see it pop back up in a few minutes because the enemy has 10 athenas.
5 \n
6 (This is extra annoying with singus because once the athenas exist and enemy has at least one singu survive your deep strike, he'll just rez them all)