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Usage of Dante

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11/12/2020 9:17:38 AMGBrankPRO_Dregs before revert after revert
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1 Right now in 1v1 @izirady makes incredible use of Dante rush on certain maps. The overwhelming part of it ( on said maps, that tend to be defensive) is that when Dante appears, it's because he is doing his missile salvo on a clump of units. 1 Right now in 1v1 @izirayd makes incredible use of Dante rush on certain maps. The overwhelming part of it ( on said maps, that tend to be defensive) is that when Dante appears, it's because he is doing his missile salvo on a clump of units.
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3 That missile salvo's burn duration is long enough to kill all skirmishers, raiders and even some riots - all it has to do is tap them, and that's it. Life's over. I often see him tap the main ball and wait 10 seconds before it's all invariably completely dead, then rampage with the dante afterwards. Plus the cooldown on that salvo isn't exactly low. 3 That missile salvo's burn duration is long enough to kill all skirmishers, raiders and even some riots - all it has to do is tap them, and that's it. Life's over. I often see him tap the main ball and wait 10 seconds before it's all invariably completely dead, then rampage with the dante afterwards. Plus the cooldown on that salvo isn't exactly low.
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5 Honestly, if Merlin is meant to be the artillery, dante is the skirmisher supreme. It's definitely underused, but overpowered when used for the salvo. 5 Honestly, if Merlin is meant to be the artillery, dante is the skirmisher supreme. It's definitely underused, but overpowered when used for the salvo.