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Post edit history

Banned for nothing

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/25/2020 10:13:16 PMBRrankManored before revert after revert
Before After
1 Most people have probably insulted someone at some point or threw a game. Everyone has a bad day. The problem is when it becomes a habit. 1 Most people have probably insulted someone at some point or threw a game. Everyone has a bad day. The problem is when it becomes a habit.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Firepluk has exhausted his benefit of the doubt a long time ago, so its only natural that admins are quicker to ban him than they perhaps would someone else. 3 Firepluk has exhausted his benefit of the doubt a long time ago, so its only natural that admins are quicker to ban him than they perhaps would someone else.
4 \n
5 Can't say I have observed him insult (specific people) too much. He does rush a lot of silly things though, irrespective of the team's wishes.