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Lance is absolute cancer in team games

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8/18/2021 8:39:07 AMPLrankRafalpluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 It definitely is OP in open maps where they have clear line of fire and where you can spread them properly. 1 It definitely is OP in open maps where they have clear line of fire and where you can spread them properly.
2 Large part of the OPness comes from their usage with cloaker which make some counters ( like Ravens) not work, while 2 Large part of the OPness comes from their usage with cloaker which make some counters ( like Ravens) not work, while other counters are much less effective ( and often suicidal) .
3 other counter are much less effective.
4 \n 3 \n
5 Lances: 4 Lances:
6 - murder heavies 5 - murder heavies
7 - murder porc 6 - murder porc
8 - ruin balls of small units 7 - ruin balls of small units
9 - can counter most other long-range units, most of which are inaccurate and have no alpha 8 - can counter most other long-range units, most of which are inaccurate and have no alpha
10 - can even hit air units (gunships, bombers) with good results 9 - can even hit air units (gunships, bombers) with good results
11 \n 10 \n
12 cons: 11 cons:
13 - they occastionally murder each other, which while sort of counter-balancing mechanic, should not happen 12 - they occastionally murder each other, which while sort of counter-balancing mechanic, should not happen