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Post edit history


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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/20/2022 3:18:16 AMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
Before After
1 On reflection, I don't want anything useful that may come out of this to by flavoured by the absolute shitpost that is the OP. I'm sitting here waiting for infologs, precise numbers, and steps to reproduce because I don't think I owe the OP anything more. 1 On reflection, I don't want anything useful that may come out of this to by flavoured by the absolute shitpost that is the OP. I'm sitting here waiting for infologs, precise numbers, and steps to reproduce because I don't think I owe the OP anything more.
2 \n 2 \n
3 So I'm locking this. Someone with communication skills can open another. 3 So I'm locking this. Someone with communication skills ( such as @chaplol) can open another.