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LaserAA that can hit space/jumpers

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5/24/2022 11:06:52 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
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1 People complain about dropped jacks. 1 People complain about dropped jacks.
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3 Space jacks are surprising the first time you see them and a non-issue as soon as someone shows you how to handle them. 3 Space jacks are surprising the first time you see them and a non-issue as soon as someone shows you how to handle them.
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5 Raiders, venoms, racketeers, a widow near singus. . . All those things easily deal with jacks, some before the jack gets a single chance to attack. Space jacks are so easy to spot and take so much time to land, you should be able to react. 5 Raiders, venoms, racketeers, a widow near singus. . . All those things easily deal with space jacks, some before the jack gets a single chance to attack. Space jacks are so easy to spot and take so much time to land, you should be able to react. You can also only throw one at a time, unlike drops.
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7 Heck one game my biggest issue wasn't handling space jacks, it was convincing my ally with pyros to not roast my widow/fleas squad. 7 Heck one game my biggest issue wasn't handling space jacks, it was convincing my ally with pyros to not roast my widow/fleas squad.
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9 I think people are more pissed at things they lose early on (especially commanders) when a player plops/plates/squads GS+jumpies and "drops" jacks (literally D) at full speed so the jack falls at high speed towards your font line commander.
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11 Beyond a point, there is too much static AA for jack drop.