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Game Freezes and won't "Catch up"

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10/23/2023 11:10:02 AMDEranktalas before revert after revert
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1 Is this in large battles with many players or many bots? 1 Is this in large battles with many players or many bots?
2 It sounds like your CPU cannot keep up with the simulation, or that your network is very slow. 2 It sounds like your CPU cannot keep up with the simulation, or that your network is very slow.
3 In single-player the result will simply be that the game runs slower, but in multi-player you will eventually be declared AFK when you fall behind 10 seconds or so. 3 In single-player the result will simply be that the game runs slower, but in multi-player you will eventually be declared AFK when you fall behind 10 seconds or so.
4 Could you post the specs of your PC and maybe your internet speed? 4 Could you post the specs of your PC and maybe your internet speed?
5 \n
6 EDIT: Oh, if it doesn't recover after a pause, then could you link to such a game? Might be related to hosting.