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Thunderbird - Disarm and slow?

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Post edit history
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5/14/2024 7:10:23 PMchaplol before revert after revert
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1 Best use-case I know of thunderbird is when there's an iris on the frontline and you can fly through it. Usually leads to a nearly-completely disarmed shield ball. But it's really hard to do right. But we can do that with a snitch for much more effect. 1 Best use-case I know of thunderbird is when there's an iris on the frontline and you can fly through it. Usually leads to a nearly-completely disarmed shield ball. But it's really hard to do right. Similar's possible with a snitch for much more effect and cheaper too, though.
2 \n 2 \n
3 One potential buff: tbird shouldn't harm allied units 3 One potential buff: tbird shouldn't harm allied units