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B1925976 7 on Mearth_v4 (Multiplayer)

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6/10/2024 6:41:20 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
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1 No. I've asked about that a few times before and the response I got is that the games produce rating that is still valuable for casual elo purposes. 1 No. I've asked about that a few times before and the response I got is that the games produce rating that is still valuable for casual elo purposes.
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3 In other words, FFAs help with rating more than they hurt. 3 In other words, FFAs help with rating more than they hurt.
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5 TBH this is something I find difficult to argue with, for all the wrong reasons. I don't know if that's still what is mostly happening, but when I stopped playing FFAs, the room would systematically gang on the higest rated player. Unless you're good enough to win a 3+v1, you're going to lose. You're going to lose rating, and they're going to gain some. This also means it's a mode ripe for elo dumping in a "legitimate" way. 5 TBH this is something I find difficult to argue with, for all the wrong reasons. I don't know if that's still what is mostly happening, but when I stopped playing FFAs, the room would systematically gang on the higest rated player. Unless you're good enough to win a 3+v1, you're going to lose. You're going to lose rating, and they're going to gain some. This also means it's a mode ripe for elo dumping in a "legitimate" way.
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7 That being said if Hedkeaf ranked up in FFAs, that seems to mean they aren't doing that anymore, so admins would point to this and say: see? the best player in the room ranked up, as expected. In this case, they'd also be right. 7 That being said if Hedkeaf ranked up in FFAs, that seems to mean they aren't doing that anymore, so admins would point to this and say: See? The best player in the room ranked up, as expected. In this case, they'd also be right.