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6/17/2024 1:48:34 AMUSrankCliver5 before revert after revert
Before After
1 [b]Glaives[/b] were designed to do everything a human soldier can do, but better. Instead of getting a cybernetically-enhanced cyborg, they got the full cybernetically-enhanced cybernetics. Glaive's intelligence was highly honed to be autonomous. The cybernetics were honed to ensure that glaives could be coordinated easily. Even better: When humans are effective 25% of the time, glaives are effective 100% of the time, and soon enough glaives overtook every area of warfare. As humanity collapsed, the gears of these drones rusted over time, only rarely getting improvements. 1 === Cloakbots === [b]Glaives[/b] were designed to do everything a human soldier can do, but better. Instead of getting a cybernetically-enhanced cyborg, they got the full cybernetically-enhanced cybernetics. Glaive's intelligence was highly honed to be autonomous. The cybernetics were honed to ensure that glaives could be coordinated easily. Even better: When humans are effective 25% of the time, glaives are effective 100% of the time, and soon enough glaives overtook every area of warfare. As humanity collapsed, the gears of these drones rusted over time, only rarely getting improvements.
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3 To deal with static defense, many propositions were made. Some engineers proposed rock-hurling weaponry, others suggested missile barrage. But the cloakbot engineers decided to borrow an ancient design and slap a rocket launcher on a glaive. Thus, the [b]ronin[/b] was built. Unlike multiple similar designs, ronins are effective at retreating, giving them an advantage in design above any other skirmisher. 3 To deal with static defense, many propositions were made. Some engineers proposed rock-hurling weaponry, others suggested missile barrage. But the cloakbot engineers decided to borrow an ancient design and slap a rocket launcher on a glaive. Thus, the [b]ronin[/b] was built. Unlike multiple similar designs, ronins are effective at retreating, giving them an advantage in design above any other skirmisher.
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5 When the conquest is over, and contest begins, heavy weaponry is in demand. [b]Reavers[/b] borrowed an old design of light machine gun. Thanks to being more sturdy than a human, this beast does not bear one, but two LMGs. The amount of weight and ammunition makes the unit quite expensive, but well-worth the cost. It is cheap enough to be mass-produced, giving it an advantage over other "riot" unit designs. Many reavers are used to patrol the land and ward off any hostile drones, seeking to pillage a crumbling factory intelligence. 5 When the conquest is over, and contest begins, heavy weaponry is in demand. [b]Reavers[/b] borrowed an old design of light machine gun. Thanks to being more sturdy than a human, this beast does not bear one, but two LMGs. The amount of weight and ammunition makes the unit quite expensive, but well-worth the cost. It is cheap enough to be mass-produced, giving it an advantage over other "riot" unit designs. Many reavers are used to patrol the land and ward off any hostile drones, seeking to pillage a crumbling factory intelligence.
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7 To further inflate the cost of defenses, the "rock-hurling weaponry" has been implemented. [b]Slings[/b]' ammunition is cheap. The reason why it causes so much damage is because of the velocity. And with advanced AI, the sling is mostly accurate; though... corruption in code has been reported. 7 To further inflate the cost of defenses, the "rock-hurling weaponry" has been implemented. [b]Slings[/b]' ammunition is cheap. The reason why it causes so much damage is because of the velocity. And with advanced AI, the sling is mostly accurate; though... corruption in code has been reported.
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9 To breach lines of defenses, a glaive design was given lots of armor. But just to make the design even better, they gave it a tesla gun that fries robotic circuitry. Lightning is fairly unpredictable, but it hits large targets consistently. Its slow movement means that the [b]Knight[/b] can only be used at the frontlines. 9 To breach lines of defenses, a glaive design was given lots of armor. But just to make the design even better, they gave it a tesla gun that fries robotic circuitry. Lightning is fairly unpredictable, but it hits large targets consistently. Its slow movement means that the [b]Knight[/b] can only be used at the frontlines.
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13 When the contest is complete, advanced strategies open up. Cloakbot's [b]conjurer[/b] has been given a cloaking field to allow slow units to sneak up at any position, avoiding line of sight. Additionally, cloakbots are installed with spies like [b]gremlins[/b], [b]scythes[/b], [b]phantoms[/b]. They can provide intel before incursions. 13 When the contest is complete, advanced strategies open up. Cloakbot's [b]conjurer[/b] has been given a cloaking field to allow slow units to sneak up at any position, avoiding line of sight. Additionally, cloakbots are installed with spies like [b]gremlins[/b], [b]scythes[/b], [b]phantoms[/b]. They can provide intel before incursions.
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15 [b]Scythes[b] are additionally equipped with an attack, letting it destroy defenseless targets. [b]Phantom[/b], however, is more suited for the backlines, due to its slow speed. Phantom has been designed to assassinate high-value targets, and, unfortunately, it lacks a minigun. Feel free to use cloaked reavers to compensate this fatal flaw. (Note: [b]Scythes[/b] and [b]Phantoms[/b] are not limited to cloakbot factory. [b]Athenas[/b] from the [b]Strider Hub[/b] can build [b]Scythes[/b] and [b]Phantoms[/b] too.) 15 [b]Scythes[b] are additionally equipped with an attack, letting it destroy defenseless targets. [b]Phantom[/b], however, is more suited for the backlines, due to its slow speed. Phantom has been designed to assassinate high-value targets, and, unfortunately, it lacks a minigun. Feel free to use cloaked reavers to compensate this fatal flaw. (Note: [b]Scythes[/b] and [b]Phantoms[/b] are not limited to cloakbot factory. [b]Athenas[/b] from the [b]Strider Hub[/b] can build [b]Scythes[/b] and [b]Phantoms[/b] too.)
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17 To prevent crusades of the opponents, cloakbots are equipped with [b]imps[/b], which startle the enemy for long enough to be taken out by faster cloakbot forces. 17 To prevent crusades of the opponents, cloakbots are equipped with [b]imps[/b], which startle the enemy for long enough to be taken out by faster cloakbot forces.
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19 Although the [b]Iris[/b] is not limited to the cloakbot factory, a single iris will conceal sight of nearby units. The presence of an iris will put an opponent into an alert mindset, forced to expect everything everywhere. (Note: An [b]Iris[/b] can be built from [b]Cornea,[/b] and Cornea can be built by any builder. Additionally, [b]Iris[/b] can be built anywhere on the field by [b]Athenas[/b] from the [b]Strider Hub.[/b]) 19 Although the [b]Iris[/b] is not limited to the cloakbot factory, a single iris will conceal sight of nearby units. The presence of an iris will put an opponent into an alert mindset, forced to expect everything everywhere. (Note: An [b]Iris[/b] can be built from [b]Cornea,[/b] and Cornea can be built by any builder. Additionally, [b]Iris[/b] can be built anywhere on the field by [b]Athenas[/b] from the [b]Strider Hub.[/b])
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21 The [b]cloakbot factory[/b] can only field out androids. Thus, their options are severely limited. To wheel out wheels, or to install a shield drive, an entirely different factory is required. 21 The [b]cloakbot factory[/b] can only field out androids. Thus, their options are severely limited. To wheel out wheels, or to install a shield drive, an entirely different factory is required.