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6/17/2024 1:48:05 AMUSrankCliver5 before revert after revert
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1 The [b]Scorcher[/b] proved to be both cheap and effective in small quantities, with its carcass being reused in future designs. It is the first designed vehicle for the wasteland environment. Earlier designs incorporated machine guns, before switching to heatrays. The weapon change made rovers more effective at taking out lone buildings. The heatray intimidates enemy drones from getting up close, due to the risk of getting melted. The heatray, perhaps, is what makes the scorcher so cheap to field out, as even with little armor, it packs strong firepower. Seeing as different battlefields require different roles, different variations of chasis were built. Many units, such as [b]Fencers[/b], [b]Ravagers[/b], [b]Crashers[/b], were optimized so that they can catch up to scorchers, as to abuse the scorcher's firepower. 1 === Rovers === The [b]Scorcher[/b] proved to be both cheap and effective in small quantities, with its carcass being reused in future designs. It is the first designed vehicle for the wasteland environment. Earlier designs incorporated machine guns, before switching to heatrays. The weapon change made rovers more effective at taking out lone buildings. The heatray intimidates enemy drones from getting up close, due to the risk of getting melted. The heatray, perhaps, is what makes the scorcher so cheap to field out, as even with little armor, it packs strong firepower. Seeing as different battlefields require different roles, different variations of chasis were built. Many units, such as [b]Fencers[/b], [b]Ravagers[/b], [b]Crashers[/b], were optimized so that they can catch up to scorchers, as to abuse the scorcher's firepower.
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3 Rovers needed a unit that can deal with static units fast and affordably. Multiple designs were proposed, but they all proved way too expensive for their cost. After some thinking, they swapped [b]Mason's[/b] nanolite with homing missiles. The resulting creation, [b]Fencer,[/b] is a force to be reckoned with, stripping both turrets and entire armies alike. To deal with the fencer menace, many had to incorporate designs that made fencer's weaponary far less effective. Some improved armor, others used agility to reduce impact. But even now, fencers cause a lot of trouble if an opposing unit cannot get close to it. And scorchers can ensure that the enemy will never wish to get too close. 3 Rovers needed a unit that can deal with static units fast and affordably. Multiple designs were proposed, but they all proved way too expensive for their cost. After some thinking, they swapped [b]Mason's[/b] nanolite with homing missiles. The resulting creation, [b]Fencer,[/b] is a force to be reckoned with, stripping both turrets and entire armies alike. To deal with the fencer menace, many had to incorporate designs that made fencer's weaponary far less effective. Some improved armor, others used agility to reduce impact. But even now, fencers cause a lot of trouble if an opposing unit cannot get close to it. And scorchers can ensure that the enemy will never wish to get too close.
4 Fencers raise their turret for better sight and range. Raising the turret takes little time, but the raised turret makes the fencer unbalanced. The improper weight distribution was deemed too hard to deal with by the rover engineers, meaning fencers will always need to deploy to fire. 4 Fencers raise their turret for better sight and range. Raising the turret takes little time, but the raised turret makes the fencer unbalanced. The improper weight distribution was deemed too hard to deal with by the rover engineers, meaning fencers will always need to deploy to fire.
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6 To further rebuild the land, during contest, rovers field out [s]badgers[/s] [b]Impalers[/b] to further humiliate opponent's any attempt at building any sort of solid defense at the frontlines. An impaler is a classical missile-powered artillery that is quick to deploy and fast to take out cheap defenses. If one isn't enough, add more. Since impaler was designed specifically for foes who build too many static defenses, impalers don't prove effective outside of its original goal; but more is unnecessary. 6 To further rebuild the land, during contest, rovers field out [s]badgers[/s] [b]Impalers[/b] to further humiliate opponent's any attempt at building any sort of solid defense at the frontlines. An impaler is a classical missile-powered artillery that is quick to deploy and fast to take out cheap defenses. If one isn't enough, add more. Since impaler was designed specifically for foes who build too many static defenses, impalers don't prove effective outside of its original goal; but more is unnecessary.
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8 When the time of conquest is over, and the hour of contest is at hand, rovers can quickly field [b]rippers[/b], known to be both cheap and effective. Rippers are a modified scorcher with a cannon so big and powerful that it can mow down entire walls. However, the ripper is far less effective at taking down individual targets. 8 When the time of conquest is over, and the hour of contest is at hand, rovers can quickly field [b]rippers[/b], known to be both cheap and effective. Rippers are a modified scorcher with a cannon so big and powerful that it can mow down entire walls. However, the ripper is far less effective at taking down individual targets.
9 The ripper is best used as escort for [b]Badgers, Impalers, Dominatrixes,[/b] in order to not lose the speed advantage, nor to slow down faster designs. 9 The ripper is best used as escort for [b]Badgers, Impalers, Dominatrixes,[/b] in order to not lose the speed advantage, nor to slow down faster designs.
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11 If rovers need to ensure that the enemy does not pass a specific point, or if they need to slow down the opponent, they can field out [b]Badgers[/b]. Badgers were designed so that just a single vehicle can make terrain unpassable, if not deadly. In larger quantities, they can protect larger quantities of land. They are also quick to retreat. 11 If rovers need to ensure that the enemy does not pass a specific point, or if they need to slow down the opponent, they can field out [b]Badgers[/b]. Badgers were designed so that just a single vehicle can make terrain unpassable, if not deadly. In larger quantities, they can protect larger quantities of land. They are also quick to retreat.
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13 If rovers need to quickly spot an enemy target, [b]Darts[/b] do the job. The darts are bikes with ridiculous speed and impressive sight range, meaning that they will spot any target before the target spots it. Don't use it for combat: A single shot makes the bike explode. 13 If rovers need to quickly spot an enemy target, [b]Darts[/b] do the job. The darts are bikes with ridiculous speed and impressive sight range, meaning that they will spot any target before the target spots it. Don't use it for combat: A single shot makes the bike explode.
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15 To deal with heavy defenses, the scorcher design was given more armor. To further boost its mobility and strength in large quantities, it was given a heavy plasma projectile. This means the new weapon doesn't have to attack in a line. The [b]ravager[/b] is effective at quickly breaching defenses, or taking out lone riot defenses, to let scorchers get behind enemy lines and cause even more havoc than before, stunning opponent's growth in the wasteland. (Note: The ravagers were reported to be most intimidating in clusters of 10 and 15.) 15 To deal with heavy defenses, the scorcher design was given more armor. To further boost its mobility and strength in large quantities, it was given a heavy plasma projectile. This means the new weapon doesn't have to attack in a line. The [b]ravager[/b] is effective at quickly breaching defenses, or taking out lone riot defenses, to let scorchers get behind enemy lines and cause even more havoc than before, stunning opponent's growth in the wasteland. (Note: The ravagers were reported to be most intimidating in clusters of 10 and 15.)
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17 When the land has been contested, rovers become obsolete. They don't have a strong upfront power, for the factory wasn't designed to make heavy armor. Even the ravager is a stretch, with its armor being just metal bars slapped on top of each other. But even then, [b]Dominatrixes[/b] and [b]Badgers[/b] can buy sufficient amount of time to field out heavy weaponry. 17 When the land has been contested, rovers become obsolete. They don't have a strong upfront power, for the factory wasn't designed to make heavy armor. Even the ravager is a stretch, with its armor being just metal bars slapped on top of each other. But even then, [b]Dominatrixes[/b] and [b]Badgers[/b] can buy sufficient amount of time to field out heavy weaponry.