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Zero-K lore rewritten pages

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/17/2024 1:46:58 AMUSrankCliver5 before revert after revert
6/17/2024 12:40:50 AMUSrankCliver5 before revert after revert
Before After
1 There are two types of airforce generals: The rogue, and the wizard. The strongest are both, the weakest are neither. 1 === Planes === There are two types of airforce generals: The rogue, and the wizard. The strongest are both, the weakest are neither.
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4 Thinking as a rogue, the [b]plane factory[/b] has many tools for catching the opponent off-guard. 4 Thinking as a rogue, the [b]plane factory[/b] has many tools for catching the opponent off-guard.
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6 [b]Swift[/b] can gather intel on a key position, quickly and cheaply diving into the enemy's base. 6 [b]Swift[/b] can gather intel on a key position, quickly and cheaply diving into the enemy's base.
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8 [b]Owl[/b] can do the same, but from the safety of your base. 8 [b]Owl[/b] can do the same, but from the safety of your base.
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10 [b]Raptor[/b] ensures that the enemy rogue cannot stay in the ally rogue's territory for long. 10 [b]Raptor[/b] ensures that the enemy rogue cannot stay in the ally rogue's territory for long.
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12 [b]Magpie[/b] is an assassin that can take out key targets, but is cheap enough to field out on multiple missions, frequently. 12 [b]Magpie[/b] is an assassin that can take out key targets, but is cheap enough to field out on multiple missions, frequently.
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14 [b]Raven[/b] is the high level assassin that can destroy the heart of the opponent, with enough resources. 14 [b]Raven[/b] is the high level assassin that can destroy the heart of the opponent, with enough resources.
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16 [b]Odin[/b] is the engineer rogue, bearing breaching charges to take down heavy buildings, or distracting the opponent's defenses with chaff. Or it can ensure that a dead enemy does not rise up. 16 [b]Odin[/b] is the engineer rogue, bearing breaching charges to take down heavy buildings, or distracting the opponent's defenses with chaff. Or it can ensure that a dead enemy does not rise up.
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18 Additionally, the plane rogues are not only good at taking out "static" defenses or key targets. 18 Additionally, the plane rogues are not only good at taking out "static" defenses or key targets.
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20 [b]Thunderbird[/b] is powerful enough to disable an entire army, so long as the opponent does not see it coming. 20 [b]Thunderbird[/b] is powerful enough to disable an entire army, so long as the opponent does not see it coming.
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22 [b]Phoenix[/b] can disrupt a raiding party, wounding it enough to be easily taken out by allied raiders. 22 [b]Phoenix[/b] can disrupt a raiding party, wounding it enough to be easily taken out by allied raiders.
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24 [b]Likho[/b] can explode an army that stands too close, even if it takes a beating. 24 [b]Likho[/b] can explode an army that stands too close, even if it takes a beating.
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26 To ensure that the enemy does not see the advance coming, the plane rogues have [b]Sparrows[/b] that can cloak... \ though these sparrows can be made from radars alike, albeit slower. (Note: Sparrows don't actually cloak. They just disrupt radar signals.) 26 To ensure that the enemy does not see the advance coming, the plane rogues have [b]Sparrows[/b] that can cloak... \ though these sparrows can be made from radars alike, albeit slower. (Note: Sparrows don't actually cloak. They just disrupt radar signals.)
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28 After every attack, the plane rogues need some rests, so ensure that you have enough [s]Airpads[/s] [b]Tavern Inns[/b] to let them rest. 28 After every attack, the plane rogues need some rests, so ensure that you have enough [s]Airpads[/s] [b]Tavern Inns[/b] to let them rest.
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30 Remember: The rogue can only strike vulnerable positions. If the area is defended by anti-air police, it's cheaper to not even try. But good news: It is always cheaper to attack than to defend. 30 Remember: The rogue can only strike vulnerable positions. If the area is defended by anti-air police, it's cheaper to not even try. But good news: It is always cheaper to attack than to defend.
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33 Thinking as a wizard, the [b]plane factory[/b] has many spells. 33 Thinking as a wizard, the [b]plane factory[/b] has many spells.
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35 Every wizard needs to know in order to act. They can make [b]Advanced Radars[/b] as their magic tower, but they can also send birds to scout ahead. [b]Swifts[/b] and [b]Owls[/b] allow the wizard to see and prepare for his adventure. 35 Every wizard needs to know in order to act. They can make [b]Advanced Radars[/b] as their magic tower, but they can also send birds to scout ahead. [b]Swifts[/b] and [b]Owls[/b] allow the wizard to see and prepare for his adventure.
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37 To deal with single targets, the wizard can prepare a cantrip - [b]Magpie.[/b] It acts like a magic missile, down to homing abilities and being very cheap. 37 To deal with single targets, the wizard can prepare a cantrip - [b]Magpie.[/b] It acts like a magic missile, down to homing abilities and being very cheap.
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39 To deal with [b]bigger single targets,[/b] the wizard can prepare a fireball in the shape of a [b]Phoenix.[/b] 39 To deal with [b]bigger single targets,[/b] the wizard can prepare a fireball in the shape of a [b]Phoenix.[/b]
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41 To deal with [b][i]even bigger groups,[/i][/b] the wizard can cast nuke and send a [b]Likho[/b] in their general direction! 41 To deal with [b][i]even bigger groups,[/i][/b] the wizard can cast nuke and send a [b]Likho[/b] in their general direction!
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43 To deal with [b]entire armies,[/b] the wizard can cast lightning to disable the enemy! In other words, he can send a [b]Thunderbird.[/b] 43 To deal with [b]entire armies,[/b] the wizard can cast lightning to disable the enemy! In other words, he can send a [b]Thunderbird.[/b]
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45 Additionally, the wizard can cast defensive spells using [b]Odin[/b]. Or the wizard can strike a single target with a smite spell from a pack of [b]Ravens[/b]. Or the wizard can use power word: kill on a static target, using the same [b]Odin.[/b] 45 Additionally, the wizard can cast defensive spells using [b]Odin[/b]. Or the wizard can strike a single target with a smite spell from a pack of [b]Ravens[/b]. Or the wizard can use power word: kill on a static target, using the same [b]Odin.[/b]
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47 Unfortunately, not everyone loves wizards, so some people cast anti-magic fields using anti-air units. But wizards know this. Wizards have anti-air of their own. Such as the [b]Swifts[/b], or to disable a certain zone for guaranteed, [b]Raptors.[/b] 47 Unfortunately, not everyone loves wizards, so some people cast anti-magic fields using anti-air units. But wizards know this. Wizards have anti-air of their own. Such as the [b]Swifts[/b], or to disable a certain zone for guaranteed, [b]Raptors.[/b]
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49 And yes, just like every wizard, he still dies to a stab wound. Therefore, he must be protected by anything that does not fly, methods other than magic. 49 And yes, just like every wizard, he still dies to a stab wound. Therefore, he must be protected by anything that does not fly, methods other than magic.
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51 Sometimes, the wizard can recharge a spell, if the bird that casted the spell survived the journey. Use [b]Airpads[/b] to recharge the mana of the spell! 51 Sometimes, the wizard can recharge a spell, if the bird that casted the spell survived the journey. Use [b]Airpads[/b] to recharge the mana of the spell!
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53 The spells require ingredients that are expensive. The enemy might seek to gain them, so they will hunt down your birds. Make sure to defend the spellslots, and the birds! 53 The spells require ingredients that are expensive. The enemy might seek to gain them, so they will hunt down your birds. Make sure to defend the spellslots, and the birds!
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