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6/17/2024 1:46:15 AMUSrankCliver5 before revert after revert
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1 It was difficult for every commander to defend every point at once, with just light bots. So, they sought for better and better autonomous defenses. Gatling guns proved effective, but they all had one minor problem: They are expensive, and they often miss. Laser turrets do not miss. After lasers were honed further and further over time, a cheap [b]Lotus[/b] turret turned out to be the result. While useless on its own, in pairs it can force raider units more than enough trouble. 1 === Defense turrets === It was difficult for every commander to defend every point at once, with just light bots. So, they sought for better and better autonomous defenses. Gatling guns proved effective, but they all had one minor problem: They are expensive, and they often miss. Laser turrets do not miss. After lasers were honed further and further over time, a cheap [b]Lotus[/b] turret turned out to be the result. While useless on its own, in pairs it can force raider units more than enough trouble.
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3 When a commander needs a static riot unit, during contest, they can field out a [b]Stardust[/b] instead of, say, a Reaver. Stardust has higher range, and is more deadly against raiders, but its main objective is to be a sentry, or a guardian against masses of raiders, to block off key positions. As of late, stardusts are fielded less and less, as assault units gained better and better armor. 3 When a commander needs a static riot unit, during contest, they can field out a [b]Stardust[/b] instead of, say, a Reaver. Stardust has higher range, and is more deadly against raiders, but its main objective is to be a sentry, or a guardian against masses of raiders, to block off key positions. As of late, stardusts are fielded less and less, as assault units gained better and better armor.
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5 [b]Pickets[/b] are there to ward off scouts from large areas of land. Don't underestimate the power of the Fog of War. 5 [b]Pickets[/b] are there to ward off scouts from large areas of land. Don't underestimate the power of the Fog of War.
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7 Sometimes, an area needs to be heavily reinforced. [b]Stingers,[/b] [b]Aegis[/b], [b]Cornea[/b], [b]Newtons[/b] were all designed for this reason. Stingers are designed to shred heavy armor using a concentrated laser, Aegis absorbs bullets in an area (serving as a bunker), Cornea blocks enemy's line of sight, Newtons stun enemy units which try to approach. They are too expensive to be fielded everywhere, but crucial for constructing strong, long-term fortifications. 7 Sometimes, an area needs to be heavily reinforced. [b]Stingers,[/b] [b]Aegis[/b], [b]Cornea[/b], [b]Newtons[/b] were all designed for this reason. Stingers are designed to shred heavy armor using a concentrated laser, Aegis absorbs bullets in an area (serving as a bunker), Cornea blocks enemy's line of sight, Newtons stun enemy units which try to approach. They are too expensive to be fielded everywhere, but crucial for constructing strong, long-term fortifications.
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9 Additionally, [b]Newtons[/b] can be used to catch bombers, slam tiny units with high velocity, slow down enemy advancement, protect cheap areas, etc. Newton is one of the tankiest static defenses. 9 Additionally, [b]Newtons[/b] can be used to catch bombers, slam tiny units with high velocity, slow down enemy advancement, protect cheap areas, etc. Newton is one of the tankiest static defenses.
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13 If the enemy sends out heavy resistance: Assault units, heavy units, artillery barrage, a couple of stingers won't be able to stop them. For that, there are advanced buildings. 13 If the enemy sends out heavy resistance: Assault units, heavy units, artillery barrage, a couple of stingers won't be able to stop them. For that, there are advanced buildings.
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15 [b]Faradays[/b] and [b]Gauss[/b] turrets are designed to endure artillery barrage. Especially when placed on high terrain, they become hard targets to hit and destroy. Gauss turrets are especially effective on spires, as they gain bonus range the higher they are. (Note: It takes 10 seconds for an armored turret to be safe to repair. Under combat, any builder will struggle to deploy field repairs. Fending off artillery is crucial for prolonged turret repairs.) 15 [b]Faradays[/b] and [b]Gauss[/b] turrets are designed to endure artillery barrage. Especially when placed on high terrain, they become hard targets to hit and destroy. Gauss turrets are especially effective on spires, as they gain bonus range the higher they are. (Note: It takes 10 seconds for an armored turret to be safe to repair. Under combat, any builder will struggle to deploy field repairs. Fending off artillery is crucial for prolonged turret repairs.)
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17 [b]Desolator[/b] is effective at slowing down assault pushes. It takes a lot more than a squad to destroy it. Just like with the [b]Gauss[/b] turret or with a [b]Crab[/b] unit, it benefits from height. 17 [b]Desolator[/b] is effective at slowing down assault pushes. It takes a lot more than a squad to destroy it. Just like with the [b]Gauss[/b] turret or with a [b]Crab[/b] unit, it benefits from height.
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19 [b]Lucifer[/b] shreds heavy targets, so long as the Lucifer can see the target. Its range means that Lucifer will always get the first shot. 19 [b]Lucifer[/b] shreds heavy targets, so long as the Lucifer can see the target. Its range means that Lucifer will always get the first shot.
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21 [b]Cerberus[/b] is effective at securing large areas of land, and it is effective as counter-artillery. A Cerberus, however, is a big and a valuable target for the enemy to destroy. A Cerberus quickly becomes a focus point of battle, because of its large and powerful influence. 21 [b]Cerberus[/b] is effective at securing large areas of land, and it is effective as counter-artillery. A Cerberus, however, is a big and a valuable target for the enemy to destroy. A Cerberus quickly becomes a focus point of battle, because of its large and powerful influence.