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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/20/2024 6:49:30 PMDErankStiofanKingofAwoo before revert after revert
Before After
1 ... You made a pretty confusing post, people downvoted it because the most plausible thing you could be meaning (speccheating is a-ok, the rule against it is annoying) is just a detriment to the game. 1 ... You made a pretty confusing post, people downvoted it because the most plausible thing you could be meaning (speccheating is a-ok, the rule against it is annoying) is just a detriment to the game.
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4 And this is what spawned from it? 4 And this is what spawned from it?
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7 1. martyr is a pretty heafty word for an online forum. Nobody is in any serious hurt or danger, dust off, make better posts. 7 1. martyr is a pretty heafty word for an online forum. Nobody is in any serious hurt or danger, dust off, make better posts.
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9 2. There is definetly a history, intentionally or not youve more or less setup many threads of self answering questions that go nowhere, or of conversations only you take part in. 9 2. There is definetly a history, intentionally or not youve more or less setup many threads of self answering questions that go nowhere, or of conversations only you take part in.
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11 3. It's not necessarily about being smart, its about being comprehensible and not a running a monologue. Also try building on the shared experience of playing the game, looking at a good chunk of your recent threads they are barely adjacent to that. 11 3. It's not necessarily about being smart, its about being comprehensible and not a running a monologue. Also try building on the shared experience of playing the game, looking at a good chunk of your recent threads they are barely adjacent to the game thats being played.
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13 4. I appreciate those who managed to gleam what you actually meant. Take Googlefrogs advice, and there won't be an accidental negative reaction. 13 4. I appreciate those who managed to gleam what you actually meant. Take Googlefrogs advice, and there won't be an accidental negative reaction.
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15 5. The only thing that really falls off in higher level play are expensive buildings (desolator and up), the rest do find good usage. There is decent whimsical play to be had, though your margin for error is much smaller. And lobpot is not going anywhere, I recently won a lobpot while just making glaives, ulti, and cloaked snitch. 15 5. The only thing that really falls off in higher level play are expensive buildings (desolator and up), the rest do find good usage. There is decent whimsical play to be had, though your margin for error is much smaller. And lobpot is not going anywhere, I recently won a lobpot while just making glaives, ulti, and cloaked snitch.
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17 6. Stop playing a martyr. There is nobody else you are taking the fall for. 17 6. Stop playing a martyr. There is nobody else you are taking the fall for.
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19 7. The reason why people "fired" against you, beside the confusing thread title, was because you were starting to get annoying to a degree that couldn't be ignored. Envy has nothing to do with that. 19 7. The reason why people "fired" against you, beside the confusing thread title, was because you were starting to get annoying to a degree that couldn't be ignored. Envy has nothing to do with that.
20 This section becomes a little hard to understand and pretty dramatic. 20 This section becomes a little hard to understand and pretty dramatic.
21 But in short, nobody is looking for you to get banned, but for you to improve your posting habits. 21 But in short, nobody is looking for you to get banned, but for you to improve your posting habits.
22 Nothing more, nothing less. 22 Nothing more, nothing less.
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26 A tip I could give would be to ask those higher level players for interesting ways to use units, they likely have interesting stories or strategies for every single unit, that would be effective at your skilllevel. 26 A tip I could give would be to ask those higher level players for interesting ways to use units, they likely have interesting stories or strategies for every single unit, that would be effective at your skilllevel.