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Annoying Felons

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/8/2025 4:56:12 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
1/8/2025 4:55:48 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
1/8/2025 4:53:34 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
1/8/2025 4:52:39 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
1/8/2025 4:52:10 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
Before After
1 Simultaneously, yes. 1 Simultaneously, yes.
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3 But we're talking about shield sharing. I took the above post to mean that if you shoot one eos, wait, shoot an eos, wait, shoot an eos... then shield sharing would have one aegis fill the other and take itself down below 3.5k. 3 But we're talking about shield sharing. I took the above post to mean that if you shoot one eos, wait, shoot an eos, wait, shoot an eos... then shield sharing would have one aegis fill the other and take itself down below 3.5k.
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5 I don't think I've ever seen that happen. If there are two aegis near a cerb, they usually block 2 eos' and then even if the third one makes it through, it doesn't kill the cerb. That is of course if the shields reach far enough to mitigate the AOE. 5 I don't think I've ever seen that happen. If there are two aegis near a cerb, they usually block 2 eos and then even if the third one makes it through, it doesn't kill the cerb. That is of course if the shields reach far enough to mitigate the AOE.
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8 And that's a steel man of this post: 8 And that's a steel man of this post:
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10 [q]You could have two different players shielding a Cerberus for example, and 1 Eos would hit the first players shield, draining it, and then the second would impact on the second players shield, leaving only the last Eos to actually hit the Cerberus.[/q] 10 [q]You could have two different players shielding a Cerberus for example, and 1 Eos would hit the first players shield, draining it, and then the second would impact on the second players shield, leaving only the last Eos to actually hit the Cerberus.[/q]
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12 Because if the attacker just shot 3 eos simultaneously at 2 aegis, I don't see how shield sharing even comes into play at all. 12 Because if the attacker just shot 3 eos simultaneously at 2 aegis, I don't see how shield sharing even comes into play at all.
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